62: I miss you

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Hellooo! It's been a minute, I suppose! Apologies! I've dealt with my first big tornado, and I have also been recently casted in a musical!

It's been quite the ride! But I am back with an extra special chapter today!

Hope you all enjoy, much love!! <3

(1530 words)


Relentless working

Tiresome nights

When would it all end? One could hope that it would be soon, but time hadn't been a friend.
Maybe it never will be.

You never wanted to return back to all of this, but you ceased to have a choice. Being by L's side, it seemed you always would. That is..until this case would be over.

But then what would happen next..? Another case? Another nightmare?

L had been losing sleep. He was beginning to return to his old habits; working at night until the sun would rise once again, staring at those screens and investigating, only driving himself further within this dark hole that seemed nearly impossible to escape from. That hole being..the Kira Case in it's entirety. It felt as if it'd never go away. Light never fell between the cracks, but it was only a matter of time until it'd all be okay. It wasn't going to be like this forever. It couldn't be.

Could it..?


It was dark; solemn. The night was lonely.

The gentle sounds of a keyboard, the clicking of a mouse. They were the only noise that filled your mind, along with the delicate pitter-patter of the rain outside.

"Lawliet?" You called out the name, walking around in the midst of the night. You were in nothing but silk pajamas, letting your bare feet wonder amongst the wooden flooring of your temporary Japanese home. Thank goodness for heating flooring, it'd probably feel as if you were walking on ice without it.

"Hm.." A mere hum emerged from the office as you approached the doorway, your hands resting delicately upon the entrance; a tired, concerned expression decorated your soft features.

You looked at him. L. He was tired. Those dark, round circles were once again prominent beneath his gaze, it reminded you of how he looked when you had first met. Although his soft raven hair was messily pulled back in a fluffy pony tail.

"It's late.." Your voice was soft due to both courtesy and tiredness.

"I'm aware, love." L's voice was as delicate as glass, he was visibly exhausted, how couldn't he have been? Just one look and you knew. This was taking a toll on him. But that was how he was. He always found himself so hyper focused on a case until he quite literally couldn't sleep at night thinking of it. He'd work and work and find himself getting lost within his studies and his research.

Slowly, you approached him. The room was dark and dim, as the one true light source was nothing more than the screen upon L's computer. He hasn't glanced up at you, not once, too focusing upon the screen. You thought of it to be so unhealthy to be looking at something so bright in a dark room.

"Aren't you tired..?" You asked as you approach him behind his desk, letting your hands rest upon his slender shoulders. He had lost weight. You could tell. A soft frown appears upon your expression as you looked over the figure before you.

"I don't have time for tired." He simply replied whilst you looked down upon him, massaging over his shoulders for a small moment. L sighed into your touch, relaxing against the chair. You hadn't realized how stiff he had been.

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