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"Man.. This has gotta be the lamest date i've ever been on..."

Misa was right...

It was the four of you in a room together which was of course, being surveillanced by the men in another room.

You and Misa were on a couch sitting across from L and Light on another couch as they were handcuffed together.

In front of you was a decently sized coffee table with slices of cake and cups of tea.

Yeah, it's obvious who picked out the food..

Ryuzaki of course, helped himself. Misa and Light looked uninterested, and you sat there quietly and uncomfortably.

"No, no, no, please, just pretend we're not even here okay?"
L said with a fork full of cake in his mouth

"By the way... are you going to eat that piece of cake...?
He pointed to Misa's untouched slice

"Cake makes you fat. I'm not going to eat any."

..You weren't going to eat your cake anyways...

"...Actually, I found that you don't gain any weight as long as you burn caleries by using your brain." Ryuzaki said

You chuckled lightly, smiling for somewhat the first time today.

Ryuzaki noticed too, you noticed a small smile on the end of his mouth

"Hmph! So now you're calling me stupid!? Fine then! I'll give you the piece of cake as long as you agree to leave me and Light alone!"
Misa raised her voice

"Even if I leave you two alone, i'm still going to be watching on surveillance cameras, so it would make any difference.

Misa snapped again
"You pervert! Could you stop it with your creepy hobby!?"

You laughed quietly. Ryuzaki is really a pervert.

He stepped up and grabbed Misa's cake, not caring onesoever
"You can call me whatever you like, last time for cake!"

You smiled at him, chuckling,

"Have mine too, Ryuzaki." and handed him your cake

He smiled
"Thank you, lovely lady." He immediately started eating the slices

"Okay then... I'll just close the curtains and turn off the lights!"
Misa really hasn't thought this out, has she?

"We have infrared cameras in here as well."

Misa pouted, then turned to you, pointing at Ryuzaki
"How can you handle being with him all the time!? He's so annoying!"

You chuckled and shrugged
"It's been so long, i've gotten used to it."

Misa pouts again
"You should pay her more.. She deserves it after spending so much time with you."

"That could work."
He stuffed a piece if cake in his mouth

This time, Light finally said something to Ryuzaki
"What's wrong with you?... I thought moving here was supposed to help us catch Kira... But since we've been here, you don't seem all that motivated to me.."



It was true, Ryuzaki had looked a little off today. Sure, he was happy to see you, but he just looked so tired. You hadn't really noticed much of a tone in that last letter he had written the night before.

Perhaps there's something wrong that you don't know?

Maybe he was only thinking about you..

Ahh don't think too much about it...
You tell yourself

"Not motivated...-" He mumbled, looking sadly into your eyes

"-you're right. Actually, i'm depressed."

You raised an eyebrow at him


"Depressed?.. What for?"
Light asked

He stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth.

"Truthfully, all this time I thought that you were Kira and my entire case hinted on that fact."
He swallowed

"I guess I just can't pass the fact that my deduction was wrong..although having said that, i'm still suspicious of you..that's why we're wearing these."
He pulled up his arm to refer to the handcuffs

"And we also know that Kira can control people's actions, which means, it's highly likely that Kira was controlling your actions so that I would suspect you... If I assume that both you and Misa were being controlled by him, then everything we've observed so far makes a lot more sense to me..."

"But how would that even be possible..?"
You asked him

"The world works in mysterious ways, though i've never seen anything like this before.. I can't quite wrap my head around it."

Light then asked
"If that's what you think, Misa and I were both Kira during the time that we were being controlled, right?

"...Yes, I don't think I could have been wrong about that; the two of you are Kira. "
The look Ryuzaki gave them as he said this sent small chills down your spine.

So determined...

yet, so cold

The look he gives you is so totally different, the contrast is insane

The couple looked back at him, perhaps irritated, or in disbelief.

To them, you were nothing more than his assistant, so you really couldn't do anything more than to keep quiet and listen

"If what i'm thinking is correct, when your confinement began, you were Kira. I don't believe it was coincidences that you were imprisoned, all the killings stopped. Until then, everything pointed to you being Kira. But after two weeks, criminals actually began dying again..."

He sighed
"Based on that evidence, I can only conclude, Kira passes between people."

"That's an interesting idea.. But if it's true, it would be nearly impossible for us to catch Kira."

This conversation between L and Light was interesting. Two of the smartest guys in Japan is an entirely new experience

Ryuzaki frowned
"...Yes.. That's why i'm overwhelmed.. Even if we catch one under his control, they'll likely lose their powers, and any memory of the crimes... So in the end, pursuing them becomes futile.."

"But at this point, we have no way of knowing if that's the case... cheer up, would ya?"

You smiled and nodded
"Yeah, Ryuzaki. You look exhausted."

The raven raised an eyebrow
"...Cheer up?..No, i'm sorry, I can't... It's probably better if we stop trying so hard..."

He looked up as a finger was on his bottom lip
"..By chasing Kira so desperately, we're just putting our lives at risk for nothing... Yes.."
He looked down
"It's just a waste of time.."

You frowned, seeing his like this really hurt..

Ryuzaki has never been like this before. You've helped him bring out some emotions, but his insecurities aren't ones you particularly liked..

He looked so defeated, too..

You want to hug him so bad...

Your thoughts had stopped as you and Misa watched as Light sighed and stood up.

-He brought back his fist and

oh my god...

He wouldn't-


L looked up at Light, confused

-And that's when Light punched him so hard, that it sent him flying across the room with Light following behind

lol I was originally not going to make this chapter this short, but what a perfect place to leave a cliffhanger. Teehee, love you <3 <3

His Assistant (L Lawliet x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang