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"Like I said over the phone.. I could be Kira.."

Cheif Yagami gasped and widened his eyes, completely flabbergasted by the words spoken by his own.
He ran over to Light, putting his hands on his shoulders, shaking him ever so slightly, yelling

"No, Light! What are you talking about?! Why would you even say something like that?! Why?!"

All you and Ryuzaki could do was silently spectate from behind

"Look, Dad..."
Light spoke with a frown
"If Ryuzaki is L, then it's safe to say that he is the worlds best detective... right now he seems pretty sure that i'm Kira.."

He's acting different than before.. is he acting too?
You look over at Ryuzaki who was completely immersed into the conversation, trying to figure out the reasoning behind Light's change of mind.

"You know L's never been wrong before.."
Light looked down to the ground as Chief Yagami went into a panic

"What? What are you saying, Light! Stop this!"

"What about that FBI agent... Raye Penber? It was me he was investigating immediately before he died.. and I was the first person in the Kanto region that Misa..the alleged second Kira approached.. i-it's all been me.."

At this moment, both you and Ryuzaki both took a second to look into each others eyes, both shocked, both confused... yet both understanding that something was definitely off. Light's words didn't feel sincere... not one bit..

"If I were in L's place, even I would have come to the same conclusion.. you see... subconsciously I might be Kira.." He said, looking at his palms like they were weapons
"It that were the case... I could be him and not even know it.."

"No, Light.."

"I... i'm not sure of anything anymore.. i'd never kill someone, but.. unconsciously who knows what i'm capable of.. another me could be killing people as I sleep.."

That couldn't be right... the task force watched him for a couple of days, he didn't do anything but sleep as far as you know..

Ryuzaki was quick to shut him down
"I'm afraid that's not possible."

Light looked up at him, confused
"Huh...? Not possible..? What do you mean?"

"Well I never mentioned this to you, but I once had hidden surveillance cameras installed in your room for five days.."
Ryuzaki thought the exact same thing as you

Light widened his eyes

"Yes.. every single night, you slept normally. Criminals who's names were broadcast were still dying...Even though you had no way of knowing about them.. but this didn't prove your innocence to me, all it proved was that if you were Kira, no amount of camera surveillance would reveal that fact.."

My god... Ryuzaki is so intelligent.. it's so hot..

"Wouldn't reveal that fact, huh?"
Light put his hand up to his head as if he had a headache
"I-I don't know, it could be true.. I have to admit.. I found myself thinking that.. some criminals deserve to die... and.. if I can think like Kira then how can I be sure that i'm not actually him...?"

Surprisingly, Matsuda, someone you wouldn't expect to enter the conversation, did just that

"Hold on, Light!"
He stepped forward
"I feel exactly the same way! I found myself thinking before that some people would be better off dead..but still..! That doesn't mean we're going to go out and kill people! Isn't that right?"

"I've thought like that before, too..."
You quietly spoke
"I agree with you, Matsuda."

"Exactly!" He said
"Besides, criminals were still being killed even though you had no knowledge of them.. The surveillance cameras proved it, didn't they?!.."

His Assistant (L Lawliet x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя