13 ~𝔄 𝔇𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 ℜ𝔶𝔲𝔷𝔞𝔨𝔦~ (part 1)

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"Ryuzaki... are you sure you're alright?"
You walked up to Ryuzaki who was sitting at his computer silently

"(Y/N), i'm fine. I was just a bit shocked, that's all."

"You're sure?"
You were worried, and honestly still shaken from his screams. You couldn't get the sound out of your head.

The way his expression turned and his eyes widened in complete terror... the image would stay with you forever
Ryuzaki usually never acts out, he's calm and collected most of the time. So how could he get so scared over the word "Shinigami"?

Perhaps they really do exist?

No.... that can't be..

It has to be some sort of code... or secret message like the men mentioned.
But what does it mean exactly?

That's all he said, just one word in that monotone voice of his. He hadn't looked away from his computer. He's like this a lot of the time.
What was he like before you came? Instead of actually having somebody to talk to, would he sit in this exact position for hours?.... all day..?
Sometimes you wonder if he ever notices anything in existence other than his computer

"You don't have to ask me anymore."

You looked down, tears welding up in your eyes. You never meant to be this emotional, though Ryuzaki himself was seeming to create new ones for you. Emotions you'd never felt or had experience of before.
You couldn't tell what this one was. A mix of fear, sadness, and paranoia baked into a sweet strawberry cake.
You just didn't know, but whatever the cause, you couldn't control yourself from crying.

It was fairly silent because you weren't speaking.
"(Y/N)-" Ryuzaki turned around, then noticing your tears almost immediately
Now he finally seemed to pay attention to you with widened eyes

"...I apologize... have I said something wrong?"
He asked in a gentle manner

Scared to embarrass yourself more in front of Ryuzaki, you turn around and start to walk away

But in spite of that, you feel familiar fingers wrap around your wrist, stopping you from moving any farther

You turn around to those sweet, unknowing wide eyes of his.

"Do you assume that i'm going to let you walk away as you are?"
He smiled and wiped the running tears from your cheeks

He then took your hand into his and walked over to the couch where he held you in a bridal fashion, almost like cradling you.
You body on his lap as your head rested against his chest, all being supported by his arms of course.
You were instantaneously enveloped into that familiar sweet scent of his which made you feel a bit better, actually. It always made you feel better to be honest.

"Now, would you care to tell me what's the matter with you?"
He asked softly

You shook your head and hid your face into his chest
You could hear him chuckle as he holds you closer, running his fingers through your hair

"It's alright, you can tell me later." He spoke again as understanding as possible
"I don't care as long as you feel better now."

You felt yourself blushing as Ryuzaki rested his head in the crook of your neck. Your flustered cheeks heat up greatly. You couldn't imagine how red you looked at that moment.

You could feel his hot breath against your skin, sending satisfying shivers down your spine.

And his soft hair...

You smiled and closed your eyes, savoring this sweet moment alone with you and Ryuzaki. You never could have imagined this mysterious genius of a young man to be this way.


The most mysterious detective in the world...

...Loves nothing more than to cuddle with his loved one..

Who also loves anything sweet..

How in the world does he stay so skinny? Nonetheless, so strong?

You had so many unanswered questions for him that you have yet to ask...mostly because you're scared to. Not scared of him, but just nervous.
You still don't know his actual name...or his age.
You did remember that he said that he wasn't much older than you, and he doesn't look a day over 20.

Whatever the case, he was the sweetest, most caring person you'd ever met. And you were glad that you were lucky enough to have his heart.

"(Y/N)." He said, making you zone out of your thinking


"Would you like to go somewhere with me...?"

You leave his embrace and look up into his eyes
"W-What...do you mean?"

"You haven't left this building since you ran off, am I correct?"

You look away, you were already embarrassed as is..

But, nonetheless, you nod

"So would you like to go out somewhere with me?"

"You...really want to take me out..?"

He nods and responds sweetly
"I wouldn't ask if I didn't mean it, (Y/N)."

You smile and shyly tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear

"Where are we going..?"

The raven smirks
"That will remain a secret for now."


"Take my hand." He said gently

You were instructed to close your eyes as you walked outside.
You take his hand as he leads you out

Soon enough, cool air surrounds you, sending small shivers down your spine

Though you still can't open your eyes...

You hear the clicking of your shoes on rock pavement, soon enough with others surrounding

He said, and you quickly stopped walking by his words

"Open your eyes."

Nervously, you open your eyes.

You gasp at the sight


Yes! You!

Were on the streets of Tokyo

You were greeted with people filled streets and colorful buildings advertising things you'd never imagine existed

Around you, you could hear people talking, laughing, and you saw big screens with beautiful people displayed either singing, or talking

You smelled different kinds of food all around, mixed with random types of fruity perfumes from the people walking by and Ryuzaki's sugar scent

You couldn't help but gaze in awe at the scene

You wouldn't have imagined coming to a place like this in your lifetime, it was a small dream come true.

You turned to Ryuzaki with tear-filled eyes

He just stood there, watching you with a loving gaze

Before anything else, you jumped and wrapped your arms around Ryuzaki in a tight embrace

He then wrapped his own around your waist, pulling you closer with his hand at the back of your head

"Th-Thank you..Ryuzaki.."
You managed to speak, stuttering through your words

You pull away, and Ryuzaki pecks your lips with a short kiss

"Where would you like to go?"

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