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You opened your eyes

Now it wasn't morning, no.
For some reason, you awakened in the middle of the night. You estimated it to be about three in the morning at least

But whatever, you know? It's no big deal

Until you reverted your vision over to the sleeping man beside you and widen your eyes

Through the dim light, you could barely make him out

But you also forgot that he was holding you

You also figured out why you woke up at such a time
The rain fell heavy onto the building
And the sound of thunder emitted from the storm which brought you to a panic immediately

You didn't want to admit, but you've been terrified of thunderstorms as long as you could remember

You had nobody to comfort you though, your mother did nothing about it most of the time, leaving you to hide under a table wrapped in your favorite blanket thats probably long gone by now

You whispered, trying to wake him, because you were already scared

He hummed in response

The sound so loud, it sent the headquarters shaking

You jumped, terrified instantly. Your limbs shaking, and eyes quickly filling with tears as you sat up

This time, it woke Ryuzaki.

"(Y-Y/N)? What's the matter? Why're you crying?"
As soon as he sat up, his full attention was on you as his palm cupped your damp cheek, tears continuously running down it

Again, even louder than before. Rain pounding louder than ever

Letting out a slight squeal, you jumped into Ryuzaki's arms, not even caring that he was still shirtless and you were in your undergarments

He spoke your name softly as he tightened his arms around you
"Are you scared of thunder..?"
He asks, looking down at you, slightly rubbing your back as you tremble

As the thunder strikes again, you jump like you have, maybe even trembling greater than before

He holds you to his chest as you are placed in his lap, being held in a cradle-like manner

Ryuzaki gently lifts your chin up to him, as he wipes off a falling tear
"You're trembling.."
He speaks softly, gently smiling at you as his thumb caresses your cheek

The thunder crashed yet again, but that only made him hold you tighter

"R-Ryu-" You try to speak his name

"Shh.." Ryuzaki quickly stops you, rubbing his head against yours
"It'll be over soon, I promise..."
He whispered, leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead

At this moment, L rocked from side to side, comfortingly holding you to his chest trying to calm you down

Yet again, the sound so great, it sent the building shaking

You shrieked with fear, yet you were comforted by Ryuzaki right away

"Have you always been this afraid of thunder?"
He asks, and you answer him with a nod

"I don't believe that I have any fears, is that strange, (Y/N)?"
He smiles as he says this because you do the same

"N-No.." You giggle

His Assistant (L Lawliet x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ