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"Mom, how can I marry someone who is in love with someone vital in my life?" He's in love with my friend. Similarly, I do not understand anything. It's only been 15 days since Nishtha's marriage, and thus Adhiraj Singhania's marriage alliance for me…. I really don't understand anything. Maa … please… To date, I have never spoken to you about anything…. Apart from this relationship, whenever you ask me to marry someone, I am not going to say anything to you; you people will get me married to him only."

"Then Don't speak in the same way as you haven't said anything till date. "

Her mom turns to face her. Today, she noticed her mother's eyes were angry for the first time, due to which all the words coming out of her lips suddenly got lost somewhere. Her mother sat in front of her and said strict words.

"I've always told you that girls shouldn't fall in love before getting married or act this way toward their parents when thinking about marriage…. I don't want to hear what you said to me today again, so please remember to put it out of your mind and heart forever… And about Nishtha, she never had a relationship named Singhania in her destiny… Did she see her status that she tried to link her name with Singhania?... Your father always wanted to get you married into such a big family. He accepts your every demand, no one has asked you your opinion, your relationship with Adhiraj has been fixed… and I want to tell you that we will get you married soon because they are also in a hurry to get their boy married… So keep this small thing in your mind… I don't want to hear any such thing from your mouth ever again… "

Some tears slip from her eyes because she is too afraid to say anything to her now because the house atmosphere never allows her to stand up for herself. Her mother mentions her and looks at her new wedding attire, which she had ordered as soon as she heard about her marriage. She still wants to remain ignorant of her daughter's condition and explains it to her, lovingly stroking her wedding attire.

"Men tend to let everyone into their hearts as a matter of habit. However, it is the responsibility of a faithful wife to ensure that her husband does not appreciate any other women after they get married… We should not care about how many women come into his life before marriage, and I expect the same from you as well. Please always take care of this... You should manage that house exactly the way I have managed this house… Got it?"

Suman only nods slightly without saying anything. Her hopes are dying, but still she has some hope in her brother. Maybe he will help her. In any case, she will only talk to him tonight. She waited for him the whole day. When her brother Sumedh comes home tired from the whole day, she immediately takes the food and goes to her brother, as she wants to talk to him. On seeing her, her brother starts smiling, holds her hand, and says something to her while she is sitting beside him.

"There is very good news for you; your marriage is going to happen in 1 month, and I am most happy that you are going to get married to Adhiraj Singhania... You can't even imagine…"

"Why so fast... A few days ago, you guys told me that both families talked about my marriage with him, and now this sudden marriage... Bhaiya, I don't want to marry first because I want to enjoy your marriage the most…. Even if I tell the truth, I don't have to get married… "

" Suman... You are not a child who does not understand such a simple thing as why getting married in the Singhania family is a very big deal…. It is a big and prestigious name… You know very well that people keep a vulture's eye on such relationships, and we do not want this relationship to go out of our hands at any cost ... They said that they wanted to get married in a month, so we agreed. Now just set your mind on how much shopping you have to do for the wedding... Apart from this, you do not need to think much at all… "

INCOMPREHENSIBLE LOVE (LOVE WINS) (COMPLETED)✅Where stories live. Discover now