Chapter 10- Student Council and Wolves

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"Okay, are there any more nominees for president?"

The whole student body was gathered in a tight space. Principal Lee was at the podium. "Just a reminder that being part of student council means that we get to hang. Anybody—Anybody want to hang? Just... Anyone want to hang out? Anyone? Oh, we could come up with our very own complicated high five. That'd be fun, huh? Like..."

The band played. A banner of Bucky appeared. He flipped to the podium, standing behind it. "Great news. We have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year. Me!"

People cheered. I didn't chant, but I smiled. I stopped in surprise when Zed flew down the bleachers and onto the stage. He stood in front of us. Now, he was someone to cheer for.

"Zombie strong!" Zed exclaimed. "Hello, everyone. My name is Zed, and I am running for president."

"Zed can't steal my spotlight. What about the whole anti-monster thingy?" Bucky questioned.

"Anyone can run for president, Bucky," I shouted.

"She actually has a point, Mr. Bucky," Principal Lee agreed, stepping off of the stage.



"A zombie president?" Lacey questioned.

"Ew!" the Aceys said in unison.

"Okay. If you vote for me, I will bring you prosperity and awesomeness!" Zed announced. "As your president, I will make Seabrook a place that embraces zombies and-"

"Werewolves?" Bree squeaked, making me freeze in fear.

"Uh, no. Why would we want..." Zed looked at the doors, realizing. "Werewolves!"

They stormed into the room. Addison and I ran up on stage. I held her back.

"Is it a good time to pull a stunt?" I breathed.

"Just wait," Addison reasoned.

"Where's the moonstone, white hair?" the Alpha asked.

"I think you've got the wrong person," Addison replied.

"Our razor-sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood," the one with duo hair said. "Too much?"

"Wolves! On my command!" the leader said.

"Willa!" the boy next to her scolded. "We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert."

Willa glared at him. "I hate it when you're right." She raised her voice. "Wolves, stand down. Sorry. We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to join your school."

Bucky was the first to speak up about the matter. "What? They can't join our school."

I shrugged. "They really can."

"And, technically, the Forbidden Forest is within the school district," Coach added.

"So, welcome to Seabrook!" Addison and I said in unison.

Werewolves were so easily accepted, it amazed me. They seemed to be everywhere, though. Especially the boy with... brown eyes. The same eyes as the Seabrook Power worker who caught me.

I noticed him following me later. I was walking, and he came from around the corner.

"Why are you following me?"

"You're interesting," the guy called.

I sighed, slowing down my pace so he could walk with me. "What do you want?"

"Just to get to know you. You stuck up for us at the elections, so I thought you wouldn't really object to showing me around the school if I asked," he explained.

I glanced at him. He stared down at me like he was trying to intimidate me. "What's your name, first of all?"

He stopped, making me stop as well. "Wyatt." He held out his hand.

I took it cautiously. "(Y/n)." I walked in front of him. "Let's go before I change my mind."

Wyatt eagerly caught up to me and walked next to me.

After I realized he wasn't so threatening, we slowly loosened up a bit. Wyatt told me about some traditions and teachings in werewolf culture; most I didn't even know about. The last place I showed him was the cafeteria, where we ate for a bit.

"Okay. What are you and your pack actually doing here?" I asked. "I heard something about a moonstone."

"Nothing important. Just wanted to see what Seabrook High was like," Wyatt explained. "I've been talking so much, and I want to hear about the lovely lady who has been so kind to me today. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself?"

"Don't know much about myself," I lied. "Don't know much about family, either."

"I almost have a feeling that there's something special about you," Wyatt admitted. "I'm gonna tell a little story. When we were growing up, we were told a story about a girl of all things. She had every single monster kind in her blood, and she had the abilities of each one. Most of us don't even know what she's capable of."

Sounds really familiar. Too familiar, really.

"Sounds like a child's story," I commented.

Wyatt smirked. "Could be a story of myth. Or a story based on bloodline. Either way, the whole pack believes we can find her."

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