Chapter 24- Leaving

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"Willa cried herself to sleep when we saw your present."

I didn't look him in the eye. "Really? She still is the Alpha of that pack. I would think she would be happy that she didn't have to share the responsibility anymore."

"I was on the verge of screaming when I saw the jacket."

"You'll need it back tomorrow for when I leave."

"We can't lose you, (Y/n). Please. Willa hates herself for it. I hate myself for not seeing what was going on."

I turned, glaring at him with deadly eyes. "Good."

He looked shocked. "Thanks to you, my moonstone doesn't work. I can't zombie out thanks to you. Thanks to you, my one chance of proving that I am an alien is gone. I can't get any of it back. I look human when I am anything except it. The aliens can't find their way home because the stardust isn't presenting itself!"

Wyatt was crying. "(Y/n), please. I can't lose you. We're sorry. We're so sorry. We were scared of what the aliens might do. I can't lose you. Please!"

Wyatt sounded so broken. I took a harsh breath through my nose. "I'm leaving tomorrow with the aliens. It's no use begging me to come back."

"(Y/n), please! I love you!" Wyatt whimpered, sitting on the floor and sobbing.

"No, you don't. What you did wasn't love. It was ignorance. It was selfishness. That isn't love, Lykensen!"

Wyatt took a deep, shuddering breath. "I've been in love with you since we were five, (Y/n). Ever since you invited me and Willa to come over and play with you. Ever since we started dating, there was always that spark of affection and love. I always felt it, even when we just glanced at each other in the hall at school. I know what love is, princess."

I walked over to him slowly, watching his shaking form as he let out little gasps of air. I squatted, forcing him to look up at me by putting a finger under his chin. He squeezed his eyes shut, more tears running down his face onto my hand. I connected our foreheads softly, seeing if the spark was still there.

It was still salvageable.

I let our noses touch as Wyatt pulled me in. He hugged me tightly, as if afraid I was going to push away. It took me a second to realize how broken he genuinely sounded. I squeezed him for a moment, letting his breathing even out before looking at him again.

Our moonstones connected when I pulled away. A whole rush of energy overwhelmed me, making me lay my head on Wyatt's shoulder. Everything was coming back. The realization hit me and tears entered my eyes. My white hair with green streaks returned, even stronger than before. Wyatt and I grinned simultaneously.

"Hi," I breathed, letting a tear drip down.

"Hi," Wyatt replied.

I leaned in and kissed him softly. The spark was strong. The passion was real. My emotions were like a rollercoaster. With Wyatt, everything felt right. I gripped his shoulders when I pulled away, looking into his gorgeous eyes.

"I love you," Wyatt whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back, knowing he really meant it.

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