Chapter 21- A-lan's Challenge

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I was so hyper aware that I could hear the distant, rhythmic footsteps of a being.

"Hello, A-lan," I breathed.

"Greetings." A-lan sat across from me. "Are you studying again?"

"Psychology stuff," I lied.

"I'm surprised. With your high scores, I expected for you to know everything," A-lan explained. "I'm here to ask a question."

"And what would that be?" I asked, glancing at him for a moment.

"Why are there so many memories of you in one mind probe that it could be considered obsessive?" A-lan asked.

"Well, it's either a stalker or my boyfriend," I guessed.

"Boy friend?" A-lan looked at me in confusion. "I do not follow."

"He's my partner. Someone who love—Someone who cares for me," I explained.

"I do not understand why you did not finish the first part." A-lan looked down at the table.

"Well, we haven't exactly said love yet," I reasoned. I stared into his blinding blue eyes. "What are you here for?"

"I am here to compete with Wyatt Lykensen for your hand," A-lan revealed, making me choke on my saliva.

"What?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Addison has explained to A-Spen and me that love is something that makes you feel like there are space moths in your stomach. And I get that feeling when I'm around you. Seeing as you are in a relationship with Wyatt, and I love a good challenge, I would like to challenge him in a race to see who could win your love," A-lan explained.

I stood up, staring him down. "I love Wyatt. You will never be in a contest with him for my hand. Even though we have not said it to each other, I still love him. Never approach me on this subject again."

"Very well. Seems to me I will have to take matters into my own hands," A-lan said with a small smile. "(Y/n), will you-"

"The alpha said no." Willa walked in with Wyatt, glaring at the teenager. "Come on. Time to go home."

Wyatt led me into my cave. I changed into pajamas. He made me lie down. I did, and he laid on top of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. Wyatt's head rested on my chest, allowing me to scratch his ears and play with his hair.

"I'm sorry about him," I mumbled.

"Don't be sorry," Wyatt replied. "I should be. I was about to kill him."

"Please don't. They'll probably actually invade Seabrook," I reasoned.

Wyatt hummed, getting comfortable. "This has been my dream for a while."

"Why? Because you're sleeping on top of me and I'm playing with your hair?" I questioned, smiling.

"Yes," Wyatt teased. "Not just that. I'm with you."

I smiled and kissed his head. He drifted off to sleep shortly after.

I found absolutely nothing in my dreams. In my sleep or anything else. Even when Wyatt slept with me in my cave, the dream was still there. The only difference was I didn't wake up screaming and shaking.

But I did see a different part. Meeting A-lan in the birthing room.

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