Chapter 25- Power

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I strolled up to the ship, my suitcases in tow. I looked up, realizing the reality of the situation. Never seeing my friends again. I wiped away a tear and teleported to the ship only for a moment. I went back down without my luggage to wait for Addison.

Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter walked up to me. Willa was holding the box.

"I know my actions hurt you yesterday. I take full responsibility from then on. And I know you might still hate me, but I wanted to take a leap of faith and try-"

I hugged her. She definitely wasn't expecting it. Willa hugged me back tightly, stifling tears. She looked at me after a moment. I nodded. She handed me the box. I took the necklace and placed it around my neck, reveling in the way it shimmered.

I walked closer to the ship. The aliens stood in front of Addison.

"With the reactor damaged, there is a sixty-seven point nine percent chance that we will not have enough energy to leave orbit," A-li explained.

"We must try. The longer we wait, the worse our odds," A-lan argued.

"Okay," Addison and I responded.

As Bree said goodbye to Addison, I looked up at the ship. The reactor was the only thing damaged. My moonstone glowed, making me smile softly. The ship blinked red, making me freeze.

"Core reactor shutting down. Emergency systems activated."

"We must leave now," A-li said.

"Even with our stardust energy depleted, we must risk it," A-lan agreed.

I heard howling, a call to the people to get attention. A honk could be heard in unison.

"Bonzo! You got your license!" Bree cheered. "Show off."

"My rage will not be contained. You will not stop us from getting to utopia!" A-li exclaimed.

"We're actually here to help," Wyatt admitted.

"You can find an infinite power source to recharge our ship?" A-li questioned.

"Wolves!" Two wolves took the cover off. "We'll let you borrow the moonstone."

"The moonstone is powerful, but it is harmful to our people," A-lan argued.

"Not if you have an adapter," Eliza reasoned. "We just have to filter the moonstone power through our Z-Bands."

"You all would sacrifice to help us?" A-Spen questioned.

"Wolves always have each other's back. And the girls are a part of our pack." Willa looked at me with a fond smile. "Forever."

"Transport us up, Mothership. All of us," A-Spen stated.

We got to work. The running around lasted all night. Eliza and I were on the monitors, watching the energy levels. Wyatt and I connected the moonstone to Eliza with one cord, and it sparked. I could feel the energy being transferred to other parts.

"Wolf tech doesn't play nice," Wyatt remarked, waving a finger at Eliza.

"Then we're going to need an organic conduit between the moonstone and the Mothership," Eliza decided.

We finally finished. A-lan connected a cord to a source.

"Only our people can connect to the ship's stardust reactor. But, unfortunately, the moonstone's power is lethal to us." A-lan looked at Addison. "But you being half-human might just work. You'll be a living bridge."

"They can do it," Willa assured him.

Zed nodded in agreement. "You were born for this."

Addison took the two cords. I was on standby. Addison quickly made sparks fly as I felt the energy being sucked out of me. As the ship shook, I realized she couldn't hold on. I tossed the necklace and the bracelet to the side and took hold with her.

"(Y/n), no!"

My body glowed. Addison let go as she realized I could handle it. My feet left the ground, floating only a few inches. I was getting tired little by little. All the monster parts of me were balancing. Everything was merging. A bright light surrounded me as I heard the ship turn on.

My hair was bright blue with a zombie green at the tips. It was in waves like a mermaid. I was dressed like an alien, but my sharp fangs were still there. The decals of an alien were tattooed on the left side of my face. I noticed that the arm with the wolf tattoos wasn't covered, but the other was.

"Mama's back."

"We must launch now!"

I snapped out of it when I saw everyone running. Wyatt stayed and hugged me tightly. He put my jewelry back on me and kissed me softly. I felt so warm in his arms. I didn't want it to leave.

"Launch sequence. Go!"

Wyatt and I ran to the other deck. Tears were already filling my eyes as Wyatt stood on the circle. He connected our foreheads, a sweet sign of affection. It looked like he was about to cry.

"I love you," I breathed, knowing I wanted to say that for a while.

"I love you too." A tear fell out of Wyatt's eyes. "You can't leave me. Willa will kill me if I lose you."

I smiled. "You'll never lose me. We'll find a way to be with each other again. Even if it takes another lifetime."

Wyatt kissed me as the Mothership counted down. When his lips left mine, I crumpled to the ground, sobbing. My whole body was shaking as if I was rejected. I was trying to talk, but I couldn't without wanting to scream.

"Addison," I whimpered. "Addi!"

Addison ran to my rescue. She hugged me tightly, knowing how heartbroken I was. Addison was crying, too. She helped me up and back to my room. My head was on her shoulder with her arm around me as she sat next to me.

"I know. I already miss him," Addison admitted.

We spent the whole night in my room, talking and laughing our tears away.

A night turned into a week.

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