Chapter 10

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Ayaan Fadel.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

Galaxy Hotel. 5th floor. 1:00PM.

That is the location of our lunch meeting. I could've picked somewhere else, but I don't feel like inviting them over to my house and everywhere else just seemed off to me. Besides, I could limit the people that come over to the floor we'll dine in, and we'll all get the privacy we want.

If we're going to talk about business, then I'm certain they wouldn't want it to be done in the eye of the public. The more privacy we all have, the better.

So, it's set on the fifth floor, right beneath the penthouse where I stay. And yes, I may or may not have decided to stay there to avoid my mother's rants. Not one knows I stay here, other than Saif that is and that gives me the privacy I want.

The last thing I need is more of Maroudi press getting all up in my business.

As I had ordered, the floor had been cleared off leaving only a few, important customers that will not pry. No matter what, I am still a business man and I cannot risk my business. I have a limit to whatever I plan on doing.

I have zero plan of putting my business at risk.

A pair of footsteps reached my ear, putting a halt to my train of thoughts. Looking down at the wrist watch strapped around my left hand, the time reads 12:58 and just as I was about bringing it down, the footsteps stopped and a familiar voice reached my ears.

"Mr. Fadel." One of the workers here, the one that had been overseeing today's arrangement called out. "Your guest is here."

Blinking, I blew out a small breath to prepare myself before I turned around—my gaze instantly falling on the stated individuals. My brows quirked slightly, when instead of the one I expected to see, my eyes fell on someone else.

Nonetheless, my lips stretched into a small smile as I shifted my attention to the worker. "Thank you. You may go now."

She offered me a wide smile back, and with a slight curt, she turned around and disappeared wordlessly, leaving the two of us alone. Well, the two of us, and Saif along with two other security guards that stood by the door, facing us. They gave enough space for privacy, but are still in sight and could see whatever is happening.

"You seem a little disappointed there." She commented, earning my attention back on her.

"Excuse me?"

"Your expression." She pointed out, her gaze unwavering. "You were disappointed to see me." One would think she'd sound upset when she said that, but she didn't. If anything, her expression was cold, and so was her tone.

The corner of my lips tiled upwards slightly, amusement instantly filling me up. "Not at all. I just thought you would arrive along with your husband, that's all." After all, I did invite them together.

I'm not interested in meeting her alone, at least not without her husband knowing. Their marriage might be more of a business than an actual one, but they are still married. And I know better than to cross the limit.

Besides, there's nothing I want to say to her that I can't say in front of her husband. No matter what it is.

Her eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of her husband, before she shrugged slightly. "He would be here eventually." She waved it off. "I came alone."

"So I noticed."

Her glare rested on me for a while, before she wordlessly side stepped me; the sound of her heels clanking against the marble floor reaching everyone's ear there. She stopped by the table, dropping her bag on it before she pulled out a chair and settled on it.

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