Chapter 29

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Ayaan Fadel.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

It took me the entire night to come to a decision; and even though I did that, I still decided to take my father's advice.

And that is, to think it through and not act irrationally. Initially, I had quite a lot of solutions I could've taken to tackle the situation head on. However, the more I think about it, the more I agree with my father's words.

I need to think my solution through carefully. If I make the slightest bit of mistake, everything will come down crashing. That's how delicate the situation is.

So, although it killed me; I took a few days off to focus on fully recovering both physically and mentally—at the same time, thinking of ways to put an end to this all once and for all; so I can move on, so we could all move on.

News of AbdulRahman Hadi's health condition broke out, and to say Maroudi was shaken will be an understatement. How could it not be?

We're talking about the most influential man in Maroudi probably on his deathbed. There will obviously be a huge stir; within the company, and outside as well.

However, the actual reason why he's in that position hasn't been disclosed to the public to avoid revealing how dire the situation is. It wouldn't be beneficial to the Hadi family if the news broke out.

Quite unfortunately for them, I happen to have a first hand information to know everything going on with them from quite a lot of people. And although I couldn't do much at the moment—at least, not as much as I want, I still wouldn't stay back and simply watch.

That would be so unlike me.

So, I informed the public of the real cause of the old man's sudden heart attack that landed him in the hospital—hooked to wires. I didn't do it officially; I'm saving that for something else but I have a long string of connection...and besides, people talk.

You could say the press was anonymously tipped as well as the company's shareholders because certain people simply can't keep their mouths shut.

"A possible power surge is predicted to take place within Hadi Group as news about their slush fund goes public. According to our resources, the company is also suffering a major loss of over 300 million dollars as stock price plummets, and investors rapidly pull out."

"Hadi Group is currently facing crisis, as the Chairman lays on what might potentially be his death bed."

"Investigations begins to take place in Hadi Group as news about their illegal means of income, as well as other questionable activities resurfaces. At this state, they are at possible risk of shutting it down completely."

"Experts claim it would be hard for Hadi Group to stand back on their feet as they face potential risk of bankruptcy."

"Is this the end of Hadi Group? Public wonders as what was once known as the number one company in Maroudi faces extreme crisis both internally, and externally."

Those were a few amongst the various headlines of news outlets in the state. TV channels, newspapers, radio-stations, social name it. Every single place constantly talks about the crisis the company is facing.

It wouldn't have caused this big of a stir, had it not been that I had released the slush fund data publicly on the web. I had no use of it personally; it would raise countless questions regarding me as well.

However, when something is discovered anonymously on the web; it spreads faster and is almost impossible to get rid of. They could try to do that as well as trace whoever started it—me—but, I'm not stupid.

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