Chapter 34

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Nailah Zayed.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

"Call me right away if something happens."

"I'll be fine, you worry too much." I rolled my eyes slightly, as I stepped out of my car and made my way towards the front entrance of my home. I shifted my phone so it was between my ears and my shoulder, my gaze moving to my bag as I searched for the key.

"We can never be certain when he'll turn up; and considering he's still missing, we have to be careful. You have to be careful."

"I know Ayaan." God knows how many times I had to listen to his nagging, and it is starting to get on my nerves. "Also, don't you have work to do or something?" Last I checked, this man has a meeting to attend with the board at Hadi Groups to finalize all necessary documents.

It truly is the end of the company—Hadi Groups is inevitably facing a stage of bankruptcy and nothing will be able to bring it back. The little fund they could've used to get themselves back on their feet will now be paid to Ayaan for damages, as per the contract states.

See, that man knows his way around business well. One of the clauses involved in the contract he signed with Hadi Groups is that if one of the two companies suffers a loss that causes harm to the other, the one at fault has to pay the other a certain amount of money—a huge amount of money for that.

I guess my dearest father-in-law didn't anticipate that this would happen. He didn't expect that his empire would come crumbling down that easily, and be left with nothing. Now, they have to face the consequence of his action.

And to make matters worse, the older man is still in the hospital under intensive care. It doesn't seem like he's getting any better, and truth be told, if he gains his consciousness and hears what's going through, it'll be a miracle if he doesn't pass on to the after life.

His accounts have been frozen, his assets liquidated all in a desperate attempt to pay back for damages to Ayaan. Most of the investors of HG had moved to Fadel Affiliation, all seeking for a greener pasture.

"The meeting's about to start now. I just needed to check up on you first--" He paused, as the sound of someone talking to him on the other end came—probably notifying him of the meeting he had at the moment. "...alright, I'll be there in a minute." He said to the person.

"You should get going, Mr. Fadel. You're only a step away from winning this entire ordeal."

"Two steps actually, getting Imran would be the last step."

I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I stopped in my tracks; having reached the doorstep of the entrance. "I know. We'll get him soon in shaa Allah. I'm certain he has less places to hide now. He'll turn up soon."

"In shaa Allah." He let out a sigh on the other end too. "I'll get going now. Do call if something comes up though--"

"I will. Bye." I didn't wait for him to respond, as I ended the call and held the phone in my left hand—using the right to fetch the house keys. I found them a few seconds later, and then made an attempt to open it.

I had locked it since I left the last time I saw Imran. During the meantime, I'd been staying at an apartment I've bought long ago. No one knows of it, so I knew I was safe there. Though I couldn't say that confidently—every single day, I sleep with constant worry of him showing up out of the blue. I wouldn't put it pass him to do so.

Luckily, I've been good so that's something I guess.

I could've went back to my father's house, but he too is going through a tough time with what happened to Hadi Groups. He'd been trying to get me to try and save Zayed Co. as well, but truthfully, it will face bankruptcy as well.

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