Chapter 17

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Ayaan Fadel.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

Saif was quick to step in and push Imran back with force that sent him taking staggering steps back as well now in defense mode. Despite not being able to see his face, I am sure he's throwing a glare at Imran. "You just crossed the limit, Mr. Hadi!" He voiced out harshly. "We can sue you for this!" And he wasn't kidding.

Did I mention Saif is a lawyer?

He could open his own law firm and I have zero doubt that it'll surpass Hukuk Buruso in Hadewa Caliphate—and that's the best law firm in the country.

Imran ignored him, his steel gaze on me. It was obvious my chuckle only infuriated him more. "What the hell did you do to Nailah?" He grunted out, his eyes shooting daggers at me.

I reached my hand out to soothe my now sore jaw. Flexing it to make sure it isn't broken, I was pleased to know it wasn't but it still hurts.

I then placed a hand on Saif's shoulder, a silent indication for him to worry not and step down. He did so reluctantly, allowing me to take a step in front of him and come face to face with Imran.

I can take a punch for what I did to her—makes it worth it to know both their weakness. Now, my conscience can be clear. And yes, I mean it.

But I would be lying if I say I am not amused by Imran's anger. "It's a rare sight to see you lose your calm, Mr. Hadi." I commented, dropping my hands by the side as my gaze and height leveled up with his. "I would refrain from using my fists again though, if I were you." My voice lowered, the smile disappearing. "You wouldn't like what would follow."

His eyes narrowed even more if that was possible, but he managed to hold himself back from acting out of place again. I may have taken the fist one—granted, I deserve it but I won't be so kind as to remain this calm again.

If he is upset, he can go ahead and try to get back at me somehow, but not by throwing punches. He's exceeded his limit for that.

He fisted his hands by the side, before blowing out a shaky breath. Taking a step closer to me, his voice lowered. "What did you do to my wife?" He questioned again, his words coming out slow.

"What do you think?" He could've asked her imstead, but I doubt she would expose herself to him that easily. She will try to fight and keep it hidden come what may, and that's what I want to see. "She and I just had a small conversation, that's all."

My words seemed to infuriate him even more. Because, he took another step closer and was so close to taking my collar in a tight grip.

A glare from me stopped him though, having had enough of him thinking he could waltz in here and do what he wants. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I warned, hanging onto my last threads of patience.

I hardly lose my calm. But when I do...wel, I'd rather not speak about it.

He held my gaze for a little while longer than necessary, before I saw him relent. He then took a few steps back, putting distance between us again. His eyes flicked closed for a moment, and when he opened them again, he seemed calmer than he was a few minutes ago. "I am only going to say this once, so listen."

My expression remained guarded, as I watched him try to intimidate me by throwing threats. It's cute how he thinks that would work on me.

If I was going to be throwing off the road by such, I wouldn't have started this at all.

"—if you even think of getting close to her again, much less make her cry, I will make sure you regret it." He gritted out.

"I'll be rooting for you on that." Turning around, I continued my strides towards the house after signifying Saif to show Imran out. I believe we've exceeded our limit of being nice to each other for one day.

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