Chapter 26

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Ayaan Fadel.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

The engine revved as I tilted the motorcycle, driving between cars with a speed that might get me fined. That's the last thing on my mind though as I increased the speed, my glove covered hands tightening around the handle.

Everything felt like a blur to me, considering I'm driving past it at a rapid speed. A few honks came from the cars I overtook, the sound coming out slightly muffled thanks to the helmet I have on. I may be driving recklessly, but I still value my life.

The city lights at night made the place look enticing. It's true when others say Maroudi is one of the most beautiful parts of the country. However, as beautiful as it looked, I couldn't bring it in myself to admire it. I had too much running in my mind—the one at the very top is reaching my destination.

Spotting the lane I would take, slowed down and took a turn just in time to get down the path with zero cars; and that means I could speed up as much as I want without a care of running into a car.

See this is one of the reasons I prefer to use my motorcycle sometimes rather than a car. The latter would slow me down; and anything that will do that is not welcomed at the moment. I need to reach my destination in the least amount of time.

A lot is counting on that.

My driving continued for about two minutes more, because I eventually slowed down having reached my destination. Finding an empty space, I parked the vehicle there before throwing my legs off it and landing on my feet. Reaching my hand out, I took off the helmet and placed it on the bike before turning around and making my way inside the building.

My eyes followed the numbers written on the poles, looking for the one I'm supposed to meet her. I spotted the pole after about a minute of walking around.

4th pole.

It wasn't deep inside the golf course; and though it's late, there were lights that brighten up the place. However, there wasn't anyone in sight; which makes it the perfect place to meet in secret.

On reaching there, my gaze fell on her figure as her back was turned to me. I blew out a small breath,  approaching her. "Basma." I called out, and almost immediately, she flinched and took a shaky step back as she whipped head around to look at me.

My brows drew in, lips slanted into a frown due to her actions. I'd seen her taken quite a lot of roles but fear was never one of it.

Her elbows were pressed to her side, and her face looked like she hadn't had much sleep in days. She blinked repeatedly, her shoulders slumping only slightly when she realized I was the one there.

Who else did she think it was?

"Ayaan." She breathed out, her voice shaky. Swallowing thickly, she rushed out a question. "You're here alone, right? You're certain no one followed you?" To check for herself without waiting for my response, she tried to look behind me and around us as if someone would mysteriously pop up.

She's paranoid to say the least. I eyed her warily, thinking of how to approach the situation rationally. It would all flop if I say the wrong thing; and it might just set her off.

"I'm alone." I voiced softly, hoping to ease her nerves slightly. It didn't—judging by the way she snapped her distrusting gaze to mine. "I promise, there's no one else here, but us."

She shook her head, not wanting to believe me.

So, I added. "—I have guards on the lookout if that will make you feel better." And I do. They arrived before I did. And though they were discrete and blended well with the surrounding, I could still spot a couple of them at the entrance.

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