Chapter 12

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Nailah Zayed.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

Everything about this was strange.

Right from the way Yusra's foster father reacts towards her death, and to how they want me to take her role screamed something being off.

Why would they hide her death if there was nothing behind it? Why would they want to cover it up as soon as possible? What is it exactly that they're trying to hide?

They didn't give me much of an option. I was practically forced into taking on Yusra's life as mine—a life that I doubt she loved. Truth be told though, I gave in a little too easily too. Not because I wanted to live her life, but because something about my sister's sudden death didn't sit right with me.

For someone who claimed to be her parent, the man didn't seem to give much care towards her. And despite me wanting to give him the benefit of doubt, my thoughts proved to be right.

Yusra's life truly was hell, beyond the glamorous outfits and the wealth. I couldn't help but wonder how she lived such life for six whole years.

Besides, why would they need to hide her death and have me continue her life like nothing happened?

I eventually gathered the fact that no one, apart from the older man and Mrs. Hadiza knew of my sister's demise. They wouldn't tell me how exactly she died; they withheld that information and before I realize it, I was seated in the passenger seat of the man's posh car as he drove away from the orphanage.

I still wasn't sure how to react. I thought I would cry earlier but weirdly enough no tears fell from my eyes. It was like my emotions had been frozen, and I was watching everything pass by like a dream. Truth be told, it didn't feel like a reality to me. And I wouldn't be surprised if someone woke me up and told me this was all a terrible dream.

Sure, I hadn't been in contact with my sister since she had been adopted. However, simply knowing she was alive and well was more than enough for me. Until now.

"Go and freshen up in the first room to your right. There are clothes on the bed for you to change into. Do that, and come downstairs. We have to talk." He said monotonously, after bringing me what seems to be like his house. I eventually realized it wasn't his main house but rather, one of his safe houses in Maroudi.

I was still wary of him, but I meant it when I said I feel like my emotions were put on hold. I couldn't even bring myself to show how skeptical I was of him, and rather followed his orders around like a robot or something.

True to his words, there seemed to an outfit in a blue box on the bed, tied up nicely with a bow string. Making my way towards the Queen sized bed, my finger tips touched the fine fabric of the duvet covering the bed.

Never in my life had I touched anything as soft as that, and to think this is simply the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. If it was someone else in my shoes, they would've been excited to have such a lavish life too, right?

It must've been the same feeling my sister had.

However, after going through what we both did, would one still have that same feeling? Certainly, I don't.

Even as I pulled the string that fell apart, and took off the cover of the box—I eyed the dress that laid there with blank eyes. I extended my hand to touch the fine fabric of seemingly the maxi dress, and still, I couldn't bring myself to feel anything.

I pushed the thoughts threatening to plague my mind aside, and simply opted to take a shower as he said. I don't see a need for one, but maybe it might help clear my mind. So, after making sure to lock the door, I stripped and got under the shower before turning it on.

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