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A Few Years Later...

I remember Ayaan once asking what do I desire the most in the world? What Is the one thing I want the most more than anything?

I found myself smiling at the thought. "Freedom." I answered, without a second thought. I didn't have to—I'd always known what I wanted even if there was no chance of me getting it. "I want to be free from everyone, and everything." I then looked up, my gaze meeting his that was already on me. "I want to live as I truly want to—not the way someone else wants for me."

He held my gaze for a few seconds longer, before he nodded and looked away. "You'll get it one day." He affirmed. "I promise, I'll give you that."

I would be totally honest with you; I didn't believe him then. Reason being, it was around the time we first met, and the idea of achieving anything against the ones who wronged us seemed far fetched.

It didn't seem possible to me in the slightest. You could say I was merely entertaining him by making assumptions about what I believe won't happen. He was the one with the strong will who believed himself...and believed in me.

I'd always thought it was ridiculous. I told myself this all the time then; 'Fine. If entertaining his thoughts will at least make both of us feel better, then so be it. It's better to imagine than to never dream at all'.

I didn't say anything in regard to the promise he made—I didn't have it in me to burst his bubble then. So, I smiled softly and looked away as well. "What do you want?" I questioned, despite already having an inkling on what it could be. "What are you willing to go this far for?"

"Justice." He stated, with no hesitation whatsoever. "I want justice for what they did to my family."

My smiled widened slightly as I looked down for a brief second. He calls it 'justice', but we both know that was his own definition of 'revenge'.

Can you now understand why I believed it was all too ridiculous?

I was merely a ragdoll to them that they can toss around however they want—they pull the strings, and I do whatever they want. You could say I was the one with zero hope...I'd already given up and was ready to do their bidding for the rest of my life.

If that was how my life was meant to be, who was I to want otherwise?

Ayaan on the other hand, managed to get himself a new family that adores him—one that were financially independent; after all, his step father was already a known businessman then and considering Ayaan his only child, albeit not by blood...it was clear he would inherit the business.

You could say he has what I didn't want. He had the support, both mentally and financially. So, it was only right he had the strong will I didn't have.

We were complete opposites with the only thing in common between us being our tragic pasts.

There was no way we could fight against that powerful family and win. It didn't seem possible in the slightest bit. And perhaps, that was my insecurities speaking but could you blame me? Try being in my shoes and see if you could have that willpower.

"—I want to get back the business my parents worked hard for." He added, the determination in his voice hard to miss.

I found myself nodding, trying to be of some support to him even if I didn't have confidence in him...in us. "I hope you someday get what you want then." I stated genuinely, my eyes meeting his.

"You as well." He didn't smile—he was hardly one to do that then. "You will get your freedom one day, that I promise you."

That was years ago, I never thought a day would come where I would look back and find myself smiling at the memory. Years since I thought it would be impossible, and years since it proved to be possible as well...years since I got what I've always yearned for.

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