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Omphile's POV

"Who was that?" I flinched hearing mom's foot steps heading towards me.

"Honey,you good?" She said turning me around because I was still processing what just happened.

"Woah! Why are you all flushed?" She said while giggling. " And where did that come? did you order something?"

"Uhm.....yes....I I didn't, This is a welcome gift from the neighbours their daughter brought it" I said still stuttering.

"Ow,that's really nice of them but why is your face all flushed?....OMG! You have a crush on her!" She squealed jumping up and down like a teenager more like Bree.

"What! No I don't! you and Bree always misinterpret things and my face is not flushed your just seeing things mom"I said running to the kitchen to was my face with cold water because the more I thought of it the more I felt my face heating up again.

"Ncoow,my girl is all grown up, she said holding both her cheeks with a proud smile on her face." I mean I've never heard you say you have any girlfriend or boyfriend and I thought maybe you were afraid to try doing that but after seeing how that girl makes you feel.It really makes me happy to see you getting out of your comfort zone for while.

"Moooommmm!! And I'm so out of her league besides you got all this wrong.I said with a pout."And I'll be in room if you need me".I said climbing up the staircase going to my room.I got in closed the door and took a few breaths. What just happened I thought to myself.

I mean what the hell! why did I even think she was going to kiss me?why did I close my eyes? It was as if I was expecting that to happen and this person has got girlfriend for gods sake Why was she teasing me like that? Arggg Now I hate her more than ever she's such a jerk.I am so gonna ignore her all day long tomorrow. Why didn't I just close the door and walk away when I still got the chance Argggg I hate myself.

I woke up and got ready for school.I thought what happened yesterday was all a dream but reality hit me the moment I opened my eyes. After getting ready I went downstairs and made myself a cereal Mom was still in her room probably taking a shower.So I went to the sitting room trying hard not to think about how am I going to face Kay after yesterdays situation.Arggg I wish the earth could just open up and swallow me right now.

Mom finally finished getting ready and we were off. The ride to school was kinda quiet and I decided to keep it that why because I was really panicking.I gulped as looked at the school gate.

"Mom I think I'm sick" I said pouting with my hand on my stomach.

"Don't be silly your going to be just fine" she didn't buy that I thought it was gonna work.It used to with dad shit I guess I got no other choice."Bye mom,I love you and see you later". I said dragging my body after she drove off. I went to class and luckily no one was there yet I mean Kay was not there yet.I took my seat and waited after some few minutes Jane came and I was so relieved to see her.

"Hey you" I said standing up to hug her.
"Hey how are you doing?"she asked with that adorable smile of hers.
"I'm good,I......" I lost thought of what I was saying after seeing Kay enter the room.She even winked at me as she passed our row going to her table which made my whole body freeze and I felt my face heat up the moment I saw her wink.

"Neo? You good? You look like you just seen a ghost and why are you so flushed?" She said giving me a suspicious look and looking back at Kay,me then Kay and again me."okay what is going on between you too?" She gave me a suspicious look.
"Who Kay? nothing.......nothing happened why are you asking?" I let out a nervous chuckle my hands were also starting to sweat as I rubbed them again each other.

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