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Omphile's POV

Why would Kay want me to come sit with them?Did Ken mention something to her?I mean why was she even asking me what's happening between Ken and I!I really need to play it cool because if she ever finds out what happened between Ken and I.She wont think twice before she does something crazy I mean this can really break her I now Ken is just a classmate but Kay won't care if she one or not.

"Neo come on"



"Argg!what!"I said slamming the table.

"what's wrong with you?" Jane said with worry in her eyes.

"I'm sorry  for yelling I just got alot on my mind that's all" I said caressing her hand.

"What did she do this time?" She said with a change in her tone.

"Well its not only her but I also did something and its really messing me up but I swear It was all a mistake"I said with a frown.

"Don't tell me you already fucked!How big is it?How was it?Did it even fi-".

"What no!" I exclaimed quickly covering crazy her mouth.

"I'm kidding okay I was just curious  that's all" she shrugged.

"So if that's not what happened what actually happened?" She said getting closer to me.

I sighed looking at her to talk "Well I found Kay and Klara asleep in bed,clothes on the floor and all...they prolly fucked"

"What!" She exclaimed.

"Jane!Keep it down okay and please dont tell anyone...I mean no one okay" I said looking at her.

"I won't ..and I'm sorry you had to deal with all that shit.I should have came" she said with a frown.

"Its okay you don't have to feel bad about it and I'm sorry about earlier too I was just so upset about it that I ended taking it all out on you"

"Its okay really don't worry about it and I also should have been there as your sure your okay?"

"Yeah we did talk about it we aren't perfectly fine but I can say its something"

"Yeah..but I did tell you to be careful this was prolly her plan all along.. to hurt you!"

"I know and maybe I shouldn't have gone to the party like you said and I will regret it for not listening to you about it but I just don't wanna talk about it ever again okay?"

"Fine but is she ever hurts you again I will be the one dealing with her including Kay I don't care how how hot she looks" she said with a chuckle.

"Jane..there won't be a need for that and I'm happy to hear that you got my back because I got yours too" I said smiling at her.

"Yeah" she said opening her arms for a hug and I hugged her back.

"This feels nice" I said still hugging her.

"Well who doesn't like huggs?" She said smiling.

"Okay lets go before Kay comes back for our blood"

"You know her"

We stood up taking our food with us and I could see Ken's smirk as I approached their table I gulped hard trying not to blush or flinch because Kay was already smiling at me as I sat down.neo how are you gonna fix this?

"Hey"Ken said taking my hand giving it a peck.

"Uhm..hey" I said snatching it away from her with a fake smile on my face.

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