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     when matt proposed the idea of you joining him and his friends on a trip to disney world, you had only one condition: that he set aside a day for the group to visit the wizarding of world of harry potter.

"it's right next door!" you justified.

"you actually wanna do the one thing that's not a part of disney?"

"come on, matty!" you begged, "just one day. we can spend a whole month in disney if you let me have one day! i've always wanted to go! you know how much i love harry potter!"

"you are impossible."

of course, he let you have what you want. madi likes harry potter, too, and that's how he justified it to his brothers- but really, he just wanted to make you happy. so he booked the trip with a day of harry potter in the plans, and you were excited beyond belief.

     even for someone who didn't expect to love the place, disney world was more magical than its name promised. everywhere you walked smelled like vanilla, and every ride and building sparkled like it wasn't of this world. matt was swept away the second you arrived; there was something so precious about how much he loved every park. his smile held all the wonder of a little boy's, and you wondered if he's been keeping that little boy alive just so he could bring him here. every time you looked to your side and saw his gleaming eyes, you were a goner. letting the boy drag you around like a rag doll was the easiest thing you'd ever done- but after three days of non-stop disney, you were a bit worn out.

     the first day was a blast. not a single problem arose, and the lines for the rides were a breeze. riding on the tail of a good start, the second day was just a smidge frustrating, because your pass seemed to be having issues when getting scanned. you had to miss a few rides after you got irritated enough to walk to the customer service office and try to fix the problem. matt told you about everything you missed, though, and you didn't feel so bad.
the third day, though... that was when everything began to tumble downhill.
     the day began with nick fighting over who got to shower first, him or chris, and you had to step in the middle of a pointless argument right when you woke up. and after that, chris got snappy with you, and you two had a tiff of your own. then, madi started having issues with her phone jamming, so you used that time to cool down after chris's outburst and try to help. of course, the phone was impossible to deal with, so you only got angrier; and after such a terrible morning it turned out the ride lines were extremely long, and you were tired and hot and sweaty, and your dinner reservation got booted for a bigger party. to say the day was tanked would be an understatement. matt did his best to be the mediator, and you admired his ability to stay positive when you know it's his nature to act the opposite- but even his gentle approach with everyone wasn't strong enough to fix the day.

     now, on the fourth day, you were about ready to go home; but somehow in the mix of the stress, you forgot that today was the day matt had set aside for you.
     when he woke you up, you were quick to grumble and groan and turn away from him. your head pounded, so you buried it in the pillows, but that wasn't enough to stop him. the boy flopped right on top of your back and pushed all his weight into you, pressing you into the hotel mattress like a five year old.

     "matt, get off!" you growled, but the words were heavily muffled from your face being shoved into the sheets.

     "come on, grumpy, don't you know what today is?" he chuckled, burying his hands in your morning hair and roughing it up. you couldn't really swat at him since you were face-down, so you had to deal with his childishness for the moment.

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