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you're not much of a camera personality. you can be energetic and funny, and you tend to goof off more often than you'd like to admit, but the moment you step in front of a camera all of that gets lost and you grow reserved. nick and chris wished you were more comfortable on-screen so they could show everyone just how much fun you were, but matt didn't mind so much. not to say he didn't adore having you in his videos- but in all honesty, he was glad you were more of a behind-the-scenes kind of girl. even if it was greedy, he liked keeping you all to himself.

that being said, you loved to help them film watch them screw around for videos, so you worked as their pro bono cameraman. you were into photography like nick, so you knew your way around a tripod and the functions of the camera; you would set up and keep track of the recording, keeping the lens in focus and adjusting the light and position as needed. you also had a steady hand when moving, so they always had you help with vlogs.
it was fun for you to tag along and be a part of their youtube career. even if you were tucked out of sight, they joked with you and made sure you stayed engaged; and when you watched their uploads, you could be heard laughing and responding from out of frame. you usually made a short appearance at the end of videos too, when matt filmed an outro and had you wave goodbye. he liked to call it 'giving credit to his 'producer''.

typically you stayed off screen and liked it that way- but tonight, that would not be the case, and you had absolutely no choice.
the triplets were filming a yoga challenge with their friend alahna, who was the exact opposite of you in videos. she was loud, hilarious, and completely unafraid to be present onscreen. the boys were utilizing the back room at alahna's family business because it had yoga mats stored against the wall. the plan was to split into two teams and see which pair could execute the demanding yoga poses better, and at first glance you loved the idea; picturing matt and chris trying to orchestrate a two-person pose had you in stitches. your job was to man the camera and keep score so that they could announce a winner at the end.
seems easy enough, right?

"shit! come on, are you serious?" chris whined.

"yep, it's a tie." you pursed your lips awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable beneath the frustrated stares of your friends. nick and alahna had been doing much better, but you'd been giving pity points out to make everyone happy, and it's led to a tie. since you were partially to blame, you couldn't shut down their next idea.

"what do we do then? another pose?" alahna suggested.

"jesus, no! i'm exhausted!" nick groaned, leaning against the wall and huffing dramatically.

chris and matt shared a look, one you knew too well. that are you thinking what i'm thinking? look. nobody ever fared well when that glance was involved.

"tiebreaker. with her." chris pointed at you.

you sat on the floor behind the camera with a little notebook in your lap, face pale as the paper on the pad. with me? no.

matt's lips curled into a smile as he shuffled over and held out his palms, gesturing for you to take them so he could hoist you up. you shook your head, adamantly on disagreeing.

"come on! it'll be funny!"

"matt, you know i don't do camera stuff!"

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