Burgeon Wallflowers

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Modern AU

shy?Levi x shy!Reader



There he goes, walking past my slightly slouching and bashfully blushing figure as he trots along the hallway, probably heading to his next class.

I didn't dare to look his way as we were walking opposite of each other, but I couldn't help but steal a few glances as he pasts by me. But I immediately looked away with an over-the-top blush when he caught my eye.

I then had caught a whiff of his scent when the remnants of him had been caught by my nerves.

He smelt of lemons and strong chemicals, like detergent.

I didn't and I still don't know why, but it suited him quite well seeing how neat and creaseless his uniform was.

I forcefully wiped the idiotic smile off of my features and continue on with my journey to History class.

It's always like this every Tuesday.

There would be a junction where we would pass by each other on the exact time, at the exact moment and he and I would always head the opposite way.

I first noticed this peculiar fact when I was particularly bored one day, and when I'm bored to no ends, I would notice strange things other people wouldn't.

This odd occurrence had since made me notice his presence more at school.

Instead of talking with my friends, I would always be able to spot him in assemblies.

Instead of savoring my homemade lunch, I would easily spot him with his friends.

Instead of paying attention in Chemistry, I would always be looking at him outside of the window next to me. He would either be running countless laps or spar with his blond friend.

So before I knew it, I had developed an infatuation and interest with the scowl faced ravenette who always seemed like he doesn't enjoy his current lifestyle.

No one would ever notice though.

How I had longed to interact to him.

How I wish I was his friend.

How I wish he would notice me or how I wish he would somehow, miraculously feel the same way as I do.

But I know all these are just a fool's delusions as I watch him, with a bittersweet feeling, graduate as Valedictorian.

"I know I'm suppose to say something emotional or something inspiring, but everything I wrote was rejected for being either too 'foul mouthed' or too 'bland'. " He scoffs with and eye roll while chuckles and sweatdrops vibrated throughout the graduating student body below him.

I smiled, taking in his last possible appearance in my life.

"So I say to hell with that. If I'm not allowed to have the freedom of speech, I don't know what hope is there left for humanity anymore. " He continues on with a passion burning in those gunmetal blue hues I've come to admire and envy.

"I'll cut the crap and give you the shitty truth of the world that lies ahead of us. I know we think that we're immortal. We're suppose to feel that way, we're graduating. Our future is and should be all sunshine and sparkles...but, unlike our brief 4 years of high school, it's not. This world that we live in right now...it's a world where the strong feed upon the weak and only the victors are allowed to live."

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