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Modern AU

△Levi x Reader


uncomfortable for people who don't like ('emotional') fights or people who have 'unstable' parents.


"You damn pig. I knew a hamburger wasn't enough for your fat ass. Had to go eat your son's snacks too, god. " she said harshly as she packed up the empty containers.

Sighing sharply, she wore an unimpressed and disappointed glare. Although, she chose to direct it at the mount of trash containers in front of her instead of the man laying on the couch.

That didn't settle quite well with him, so he spoke back with equal harshness.

"Fuck are you being so rude for?" He spat back and somewhat like her, he chose to concentrate on the phone in front of him instead of looking at her in her hardened eyes.

No reply was heard from her side as she walked about, cleaning up after his mess as per usual, but this time with a little bit more force than before. The room was filled with nothing but tension, something that you picked up immediately.

So much for my appetite...

Placing the spoon full of rice down to the bowl in front of you, you glanced between your parents.

How many times have this happened already? I've lost count...

The uneasy feeling that you've felt countless times during childhood was building up in your chest again as you witnessed them ignoring each other.

Are they going to get a divorce?

Looking back down on your spoonful of rice, the sudden urge to throw it all into the bin was there, but you forced it down and cleaned up so you could enter your room and be alone.

What'll happen if they do? What'll happen to mom? Or dad? What'll life be like? Will they keep contact?

Of course, you didn't want to be alone because that crappy feeling was growing stronger and stronger by the second as well as the thoughts that wouldn't stop pouring in, but past experiences have proved that your interference bloomed no flower. Therefore, you texted the one person who never failed to provide you instant comfort at times like these.

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 16 PM
Are u busy?

Hearing his phone vibrate against the wooden nightstand, he glanced away from his book for a bit to check on who had disturbed him. When he saw your name on the screen, he sighed a bit and placed his book down knowing that he wouldn't be picking it back up any time soon. Although, he didn't really mind it.

To : (Name)
08 : 17 PM
No. Why?

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 17 PM
My parents got into a fight

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 18 PM
And I feel

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 19 PM
I don't know what I feel tbh I can't explain it but it's not a nice feeling

To : (Name)
08 : 19 PM
Is it anger?

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 19 PM
No. It feels like there's something heavy on my chest and something unsettling in my guts

His eyes softened a little. He knew you hated fights or anything that produced a negative energy around your parents. Sometimes, he doesn't like to admit it, but he tends to forget that under all that happiness and sarcasm is a kid who've lived through bouts of sadness and fear.

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 20 PM
Not diarrhoea🌚


You could feel him rolling his eyes at that last message and that put a little smile on your lips.

To : (Name)
08 : 21 PM
I see. I'm not very good at dealing with these kinds of things, so all I can say is that it's not your fault.

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 22 PM
I haven't even told u why or what were they arguing abt so how would u know

To : (Name)
08 : 23 PM
Were what they were arguing about caused by you or was in any way related to you?

To : Levi🍑👀
08 : 23 PM

He sighed heavily with closed eyes. He wished you would stop taking the blame for everything bad that happens to your parents.

To : (Name)
08 : 23 PM
Case and point.

To : (Name)
08 : 24 PM
I'm not saying that you shouldn't bother feeling this way because it just shows that your bratty self has a conscience.

To : (Name)
08 : 25 PM
What I'm saying is that it's ok to feel this way, but you should just know that they aren't fighting because of you. Everyone has their own problems once in a while and especially in marriages, couples go through rough patches. So have patience. I know you hate this feeling, but don't beat yourself up over it kid.

He waited for your reply, hoping that he didn't sound too harsh or nonchalant. He would punch himself in the face if he finds out that he made you feel even worse than you had when you texted him. Lucky him, that wasn't the case at all when he picked up your phone call.

"Thanks, Levi. " you whispered. He could practically hear the smile and gratitude over the phone.

"Yeah. I'm always here for you, brat. " he replied back softly with a minuscule smile playing at his lips.


I truly get what they mean when writing is therapeutic.

I'm curios though, how do you guys calm yourselves when you're feeling uneasy? Hook ya girl up with some tips pls (*'ー`*)

15 Jan '17
16 Jan '17

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