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Word count -380
My name is Ernst, but they call me Ritter. I work for a PMC known as Shadow Company, and I'm damn good at what I do. I quickly rose through the ranks due to my relationship with Philips Graves, a former squad lead in Delta Force who is now my employer. I have been on numerous missions, ranging from hostage rescues to assassinations.

Having amassed a small fortune from various covert operations, I have never questioned my orders because Philips saved my life in Afghanistan after a helicopter crash and a mission gone wrong. I fought in the Ukraine war on Russia's side because they paid Philips more than Ukraine did. I have carried out assassinations without hesitation because when I met Philips, he helped me overcome my depression and transition from the Marines to Delta Force.

I joined the Marines at 17, where Philips served as my squad lead. By the time I turned 18, he had gotten me into Delta Force, and later he offered me a job in his PMC. I was assigned to Phoenix Team, which consists of two five-man squads. My squad, Phoenix-1, is led by "Velikan," a no-nonsense and cold-hearted killer. Our second-in-command is "Frost," a dedicated soldier who is also laid-back and friendly, always putting others first. I serve as the third-in-command, "Ritter," primarily filling the role of a marksman and recon specialist. We also have "Novak," our comms expert, who is kind and motherly but distant to people she doesn't like, and "Ozone," our demolition expert, who is young, eager to learn, and a bit naive. In the second squad, Phoenix-2, my best friend "Grinch" serves as the squad lead.

When I joined the squad, I swore undying loyalty to the Company and Philips. After the incident in Afghanistan, I became even more indebted to them and vowed to remain loyal until the end.

They subjected me to rigorous training, instilling in me the belief that the mission always comes first and that everything else is secondary, including innocent bystanders or my fellow comrades. I excel at this approach, but as a result, I have lost touch with my humanity, suppressing my emotions every day due to my unwavering loyalty.

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