The truth is revealed

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Word count-2068
I parked the truck as far as it could go and stepped out, fully geared up for the hike. Relief washed over me as I realized this would be my last mission, and soon I would be able to leave with Enid. Making my way through the dense brush, my phone suddenly chimed with a text from Enid. "Where are you, Ernst?" she asked, her worry evident in her message. I quickly reassured her, typing back, "Don't worry, Enid. I'm on a hike just south of nevermore." Glancing at the GPS, I realized I had less than 400 yards left to reach the rendezvous location

Securing my phone in my plate carrier, I sprinted towards the designated location, scanning the area for any sign of Velikan. I waited anxiously for five minutes, my senses on high alert. Suddenly, a faint sound caught my attention—an ominous cracking of a branch. Straining my eyes, I barely made out a figure before a searing bullet tore through my right shoulder. I collapsed, my gaze fixed on the sky above. A cough escaped my lips, followed with blood . Determination surged through me as I made a split-second decision to get back on my feet and push myself to run faster than ever before.

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I sprinted about 70 yards before my body gave out, and I collapsed once again hitting the dirt. Determined to keep going, I forced myself to crawl another 50 yards, refusing to surrender.

In the midst of it all, an automated voicemail from Enid interrupts my thoughts. "Ernst, I heard a gunshot. Are you safe? Please, tell me you're safe." Her concern echoes in her voice, reflecting the fear that grips her.

Her voice carried an unmistakable sincerity, causing something inside me to snap. "I can't die here alone," I thought. "I need to make it to her." With sheer determination, I forced myself to keep running, pushing through the pain. Another 50 yards closer to nevermore, but then a excruciating hot bullet tore through my right thigh, causing my body to crumple to the ground like a lifeless sack. A blood-curdling scream escaped my lips as I desperately tried to stem the bleeding from my shoulder and tourniquet my leg. Frustration overcame me, and I finally surrendered throwing the medical supplies down, gazing at the stars above. I accepted my impending death, my thoughts drifting back to the first time I met Enid and the memories we shared under the starry night sky holding each other. Closing my eyes, I exhaled one final breath, knowing that death was imminent and felt peace.

*Enids pov *

Ernst hadn't been responding, so I decided to head towards the GPS tracker I had placed on his phone. It was late at night, and I found myself walking through the woods, searching for my boyfriend. It was unlike him to be so vague about his whereabouts. Armed with a flashlight, I suddenly heard a gunshot, causing an immediate shock to surge through me. I left him a message, but he didn't answer, only leading me to leave a voicemail. "Ernst, I heard a gunshot. Are you safe? Please tell me you're safe," I pleaded, my heart filled with worry and dreadful thoughts.

Overwhelmed by fear, I began running in the direction from which the sound had originated. Another gunshot followed, along with a piercing scream. I instinctively ran towards the source, convinced it was Ernst. As I approached, I stumbled upon a soldier dressed in a black uniform, lying on the ground in a pool of crimson blood, clutching a rifle. The soldier's menacing appearance filled me with terror, but I mustered the courage to slowly approach the body. I cautiously removed the soldier's helmet, revealing a faint sign of life—shallow breathing. With trembling hands, I carefully removed the soldier's blood-stained balaclava, and to my immense sorrow, I discovered Ernst's face beneath it, covered in blood, his eyes closed.

Overwhelmed by grief, tears streamed down my face, but then something unexpected happened. In a moment of sheer desperation and anguish, I transformed into a wolf-like creature—a manifestation of my intense emotions. With newfound strength and determination, I scooped Ernst up in my arms, ensuring his safety, and carried him away from the scene, seeking help and desperately hoping that he would survive

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