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Word count-1840

My eyes were shut, and I could hear, but I couldn't move. I felt my hand being held, and the sound of machines beeping and helicopters thumping filled the air.

Enid spoke to me, "I won't leave your side again, Ernst." Her words filled me with hope. I wanted to hold her and smile, but I was paralyzed. The helicopter landed, and I was picked up and rushed to a field hospital. I knew I was in good hands when I heard the voice of an old friend, Doctor Strauss. "Oh mein Gott, Ernst is in terrible shape, but we mustn't worry. I have a new concoction that should put him in the best shape of his life, if it doesn't kill him," he said calmly. My body tensed when I heard it might kill me. I tried to speak, but I couldn't. "Put the needle away, please. He will come back, I know it. No need to risk his life," Enid said worriedly, and I heard clattering. "Listen, Fräulein, he doesn't have much time left. His heart is slowing. It's now or never. Trust me, Gott mit uns," he said with his thick Germanic accent, filled with unwavering faith. "Okay, give him the needle if that's his only choice," I heard Enid say reluctantly. Then, I felt the needle enter my left forearm, and the thick, almost acidic liquid entered my bloodstream. I felt it pump with my blood, coursing through my heart and my entire body. My vitality spiked, and I felt invincible. But in a split second, I started convulsing aggressively, and I was rolled onto my side, losing what little consciousness I had.

I awoke in an endlessly white void. As I stood up, I saw a little girl with her back turned towards me. I walked towards her and gently grabbed her shoulder. "Are you okay, little girl?" I said, and as she turned towards me, I saw who it was—my little sister Ava, exactly how I remembered her, in her little yellow dress with a red hairpin, always smiling.

Seeing her, I broke down, falling to my knees and sobbing. She caressed my hair and asked, "What's wrong, Ernst? Why are you sad, brother?" I couldn't find the words to speak; I just bawled, and she held me together, her embrace providing comfort and solace. I clutched her tightly, never wanting to let go.

"I'm so glad to see you, Ava," I managed to say, barely able to speak through the lump in my throat and the incessant sobbing. "I'm glad to see you too, big brother. I missed you. We all did. I'm glad you're here with me. Let's meet the others," she said in her sweet voice, filled with innocence and love. I gained the strength to stand and looked at her. "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you, Ava. I'm glad I'm here," I said, smiling at her as I combed her stray hair behind her ear. She smiled back at me, and I patted her head.

And then, I wailed loudly. "I'm so sorry. I couldn't protect you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to hold you. I'm so sorry that I failed you, Ava. I should've been there to protect you. I'm sorry you didn't have a life because of me," all the years of repressed emotions and guilt poured out. I covered her little yellow dress in tears. She patted my head and said, "It's okay, Ernst. No need to protect me. The man in the white beard protects everyone. He is so kind. I am safe and protected by him. I love it here. I'm glad you're finally with me. Let's meet the others." I gathered myself, stood up, and looked at her. "You're right, Ava. I'm glad I'm finally with you."

I said, smiling at her, as I combed her stray hair behind her ear, and she smiled at me. Before she could speak, I heard a familiar voice. "Is that you, my little Ernie? Oh, how I missed you," the voice of my mom, a voice I hadn't heard in over a year. I wiped my tears, trying to look composed, turned around, and saw my mom—a beautiful lady with her blackish-brown hair, round face, and medium height. I just stared, feeling paralyzed. I snapped out of it and rushed toward her, giving her a loving, giant hug. "Oh, my Ernie, it's so good to see you again. You've grown bigger and more fit, I see," she said in a voice that could only be described as angelic. "Oh, Mom, you're so beautiful. I thought I had forgotten your voice," I said, wiping my tears and sniffling with red eyes. "Oh, my Ernie, why are you crying? You're finally with your family. You're finally home. We missed you—me, Ava, and Dad. We're all glad to have you back," she said in a voice that brought comfort and made my heart ache with happiness. "Oh, there's the old sport," my dad said, walking next to my mom and joining our hug. I held him tight, and Ava ran to my legs, hugging me. We all had a group hug that I never wanted to end.

"I missed you guys so much. Every day, I thought about you and how sorry I am that I wasn't a good son and how terribly I treated you. But most of all, I'm sorry I lied about what I did, and that you paid the price. I'm sorry," I said, with a lump in my throat and pain in my heart. "Oh, son, you were the best son we could've ever asked for. You made me proud to be your mom. Just look at all the accomplishments you've achieved, and how young you still are," my mom said, holding my shoulder. "Yeah, son, you made us all proud. Look at you—a marine, a man with honor and integrity. I wish I could've been like you," my dad said, patting my back. "Yeah, Ernst, you're the best older brother. I wouldn't want a different one," Ava said in her innocent voice.

"I'm glad I'm finally with you, and we can enjoy each other's company," I said, as we walked towards a big golden gate. "Come on, Ernie, it's time to tell us all about your adventures," my mom said. I followed my family towards the gate. "Yeah, Ernie, tell me what it was like being a soldier. I want to know all about Ernst," Ava said with enthusiasm, skipping towards the gate. "I'm proud of you, son. I'm just proud," my dad said.

We reached the gate, and the giant doors swung open as my mom passed the threshold first, followed by my dad and then Ava. I stood and looked at them, about to walk, when I was interrupted by Sister Maria, appearing out of nowhere. She stopped me from crossing. "What are you doing here, Sister?" I asked happily. "Ernst, I'm here to tell you that once you cross the gate, there's no turning back. You stay here," she said. Confused, I asked, "What do you mean, Maria?" "Once you cross into the kingdom, you leave everything on Earth behind."

I took a step back and looked at my family, smiling and waiting for me. "Why do I have a choice?" I asked, confused as to why I had a choice and they didn't. "Because you're not fully dead, and you have a choice to stay or go," she said, extending a golden trinket to me. "You have a choice. Take the trinket and go back to Enid and your life, or stay here with your family."

Before I could decide, Ava ran up to me. "Go, Ernst. Go back to Earth. We can wait a little longer, and when it's your time, I want to hear all the stories of your life," she said, handing me her red hairpin. "Won't you miss me, Ava?" I asked, tears welling up. "I will, but I think it's time you give other people the joy you give me, Ernst," she said with wisdom beyond her years.

I stood up and looked at Maria. "Can I say goodbye?" She nodded, and my family walked toward me. "You're a fighter, Ernie. You always have been. Go make us proud," my mom said. We had one final group hug, and I squeezed them tightly, letting go with tears and sorrow. I gave each of them a kiss on the forehead and walked toward Maria. "Thank you so much, Sister, for letting me see my family," I said. She nodded and smiled. "Of course, Ernst. Ever since you were little, I knew the man had special plans for you," she said. I took the trinket and prepared to make my choice.

I awoke with a resounding gasp of hair sitting up quickly feeling refreshed and I looked at my surroundings a green medical tent with incessant white light and the hums of the machine it was quiet I looked to my left and saw Enid sleeping next to the operating table holding my hand " Enid what is happening" I said quietly and her head perked up " oh my god he's awake guys he's awake I'm so glad your awake Ernst" she said hugging me tightly as Strauss ran into the tent

" how long was I out for " I said removing the iv drip and the the heart monitor and sitting on the side of the table " of mein Freund your were asleep for a day I didn't know if you would wake up " he said reviewing a medical board  while I just stared processing my dream? Or was it real

" Ernst I'm so glad back I love you " Enid said hugging me tightly and embracing me in a kiss which I returned passionately feeling a heightened feelings

" thank you Strauss for saving me I'm thankful how much do I owe you " I said walking to my combat pants and putting them on and reaching for my wallet
" oh mein Freund nothing just leave town and shadow company and make your fräulein happy Ernst " he said with conviction and smiled cleaning the bloody mess that I left on the table I got dressed in my casual clothes and looked at Enid " you can go anywhere in the world where do you want to go" I said smiling while lacing my shoes " oh Ernst stop joking you know I'm happy anywhere as long as it's with you " she said to m

" I'm serious Enid we don't need to worry about money  anywhere I mean it anywhere " I said holding my wallet waving it

" I heard that Switzerland is nice this time of year " Enid said happily I chuckled and smiled looking at her with nothing but love and care "Switzerland is a nice place let's go"

I said as we wrapped our arms and walked out the tent to a helicopter waiting for us we entered the black hawk " where to boss " the pilot said " Switzerland "

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