Unknown Threat

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Word count -1335
We arrive at the designated location and swiftly deploy using the fast ropes. As we descend, the airmen yell, "Go, go, go!" The surroundings are pitch black in the woods, with only the distant hum of the Black Hawk's engine breaking the silence.

Oxide: "This is Oxide. You are 500 yards north from where Bravo Team's last GPS ping was received."

Equipped with our night vision goggles, we scan the area. The thickness of the trees limits visibility to just 30 feet ahead. Our squad moves quickly towards the coordinates of Bravo Team's last known location. The sound of our footsteps and heavy breathing echo through the woods, giving the illusion of running in place. We halt at a large rock, marking the spot where Bravo Team was last seen. Immediately, we take up defensive positions.

I scan the tree line with my M4A1, trying to shake off the feeling of being watched. Suddenly, Frost shouts.

Frost: "I found something you're not going to like."

The squad regroups around Frost, and we discover a Shadow member propped up against a berm in a ditch. His lower torso is missing, leaving only his upper body and helmet intact.

Ritter: "Whatever killed him isn't human. I think a pack of wolves got to him. Only an animal could leave these kinds of lacerations, not a human."

Velikan: "Maybe rival PMCs got to him, and the wolves scavenged the remains."

Novak: "No, something else is out here. Look at the blood trail."

Velikan: "Ritter, follow the trail. You're our best tracker. Let us know if you find anything. We'll hang back and try to establish communication with Oxide."

Following the blood trail, I come across the man's severed foot still in his boot. I pick it up and examine it. The limb was torn from the body, not cut or shot off, indicating brute strength. I continue tracking for another 100 yards until I spot a small cave where the blood trail leads. Squeezing through the narrow gap between the rocks, I find myself in complete darkness. Unable to use my night vision goggles, I draw my M9 Beretta and activate its light, along with my helmet light. The only sound is the dripping of water from the cave ceiling. Startled by a bat flying past, I lose my footing and tumble down a slope, colliding against jagged rocks. Finally, my fall is broken by something soft and squelchy. I gather myself and realize that I've landed on top of Bravo Team leader, Apex, missing his left leg. When I raise my eyes, the gruesome scene before me reveals snapped rifles, destroyed equipment, mutilated bodies with limbs missing, and blood splattered across the walls. In the center of the cavern lies a pool of blood, a chilling sight. Before I can react, Velikan calls out to me.

Velikan: "Ritter, are you down there?"

Ritter: "Yeah, I found Bravo Team, or what's left of them."

Velikan throws a rope down, and he rappels down, followed by Frost. Velikan takes in the massacre, seemingly unfazed, while Frost begins collecting dog tags. Velikan locks eyes with me and asks.

Velikan: "Where is Apex's body? I need it."

Ritter: "Over by the left wall, next to the destroyed radios and ammo boxes."

Velikan rushes over to the body and searches Apex's chest rig, retrieving a red waterproof folder. Just as I'm about to speak, Frost calls us to look at a nearby wall covered in claw marks and bullet holes. Before I can address it, my radio crackles to life with Oxide's voice.

Oxide: "This is Oxide. Please report the status of Mission Phoenix-1. Repeat, please report the status of Mission Phoenix-1. Over."

Velikan: "We located Bravo Team. Whatever got to them made sure to eliminate them swiftly. All 14 Shadows of Bravo Team are accounted for, and Frost has their dog tags to confirm KIAs."

Oxide: "Confirmed. Please return to base."

Before Oxide can finish, the transmission is abruptly cut off, and Philips interrupts urgently.

Philips: "Velikan, please confirm that you have located the intel and are in possession of it. We need that intel urgently, and it must be secured and returned to base immediately."

Velikan: "Got it, sir. Ritter located it along with Bravo Team. Phoenix-1 is returning to base."

Philips: "Not so fast. I have a new assignment for Ritter and Novak."

Ritter: "What do you mean? Our mission here is done. There's nothing else for me and Novak to do."

Philips: "This is a new mission. You and Novak are to observe Nevermore Academy from a distance until we acquire new intel. We have arranged a safe house in the nearby town of Jericho. Ritter, your mission is to gather information on the academy through locals and students, but maintain your cover and refrain from revealing any affiliation with Shadow Company. Learn whatever you can, do what you're good at—stalking, planning, manipulating, and waiting for the perfect opportunity. Create opportunities if needed. Just gather information. I'll try to arrange your entry into the academy, but for now, you're an outsider. Novak will be your watchful eye, ensuring nothing goes wrong. She'll guide you from the safe house, using satellites to keep constant surveillance on you and providing backup if necessary."

Ritter: "Understood, sir. I won't let you down."

Novak: "Glad to help, Ritter. I'm here for you."

Philips: "I know you won't disappoint, Ritter. That's why I'm choosing you for this mission. I'll meet you in Jericho at the safe house for a more in-depth briefing."

We leave the cave while Velikan and the rest of Phoenix-1 return to base. Phoenix-2 picks up me and Novak in their Little Bird helicopter and flies us to the town of Jericho, where they drop us off at the safe house. The safe house appears to be a regular suburban family home with two stories, a large kitchen, and a living room. We're instructed to meet Philips in the intelligence room, where he's occupied with his phone. As we walk in, he shakes our hands and tells us to take a seat before starting the briefing.

Philips addressed me directly, "Ritter, your mission is to gather information on Nevermore from the town of Jericho. Blend in at coffee shops, visit local stores, and discreetly listen to conversations. If anyone mentions Nevermore, pay close attention. We have the location of the academy, so I suggest you stake it out and watch for any suspicious activity. Gain the trust of the locals without raising suspicion. Become someone they would never suspect. Novak will be in constant communication with you, serving as emergency backup. We have provided a cache of weapons for your use."

I nodded, "Understood, sir."

Philips added, "One more thing: you are no longer Ritter. From now on, you will be known as Ernst Angeles, a young man from rural Nevada aspiring to be an electrician. This means you must avoid any association with Shadow Company. Make sure to conceal your tattoo of the black spade on your shoulder."

Ernst chimed in, "Ernst, huh? It's been a while since I've heard that name, not since before my time in the Marines. Sounds like a fake name, not my real one. As Ernst, I assume I can't wear my combat gear. Do you have any specific attire in mind?"

Philips responded, "We have a wide selection of clothing available. I recommend a 'gray man' approach to avoid drawing attention. The goal is to appear ordinary but still carry a sidearm, just in case."

Novak interjected, "Ernst, huh? So that's your real name. Now that you can't hide your face behind that mask and goggles, this should be exciting. I've never seen your face, but from what I've heard, you're quite the handsome man."

Ernst smirked, "Yeah, definitely a change from my comfort zone, but Shadows get it done."

Philips concluded, "That's the spirit. Get moving, Shadows. Time is of the essence."

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