hello You ?

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Word count -1887

After Philips left the safe house, I entered the changing room and shed my black combat gear. Standing there in my underwear, I felt incredibly light, realizing the weight that gear had burdened me with, roughly 50 pounds. I swapped into casual attire—a pair of bootcut blue jeans, a Nevada Wolfpack sweatshirt, a North Face jacket, and combat boots concealing a hidden knife. I tucked the jeans over the boots to make them inconspicuous and secured my M9 Beretta in a hidden holster inside my jacket pocket, virtually undetectable. Examining myself in the mirror, I saw a face that felt foreign. Though I groomed daily, the mask and goggles had become a strange comfort. Closing the door behind me, I exited only to be immediately confronted by Novak. She stared directly at me, dressed informally with her hair let down, resembling someone ready for a pajama party. After roughly 20 seconds of staring, she squealed and exclaimed,

Novak: "They weren't lying! You're handsome! I can't believe you hide your face. I love the clean shave; not many can pull it off, but you rock it. I always pictured you as a blond, not a black-haired man, but it suits you. It's almost surreal seeing your face after working together for a year. It's a shocking surprise! Oh, and why didn't you tell me your real name was Ernst?"

Ernst: "Only Philips and Velikan have seen my face, and you never asked for my real name. Consider yourself lucky because I don't plan on revealing it often."

Novak: "Believe me, I do consider myself lucky, and I suppose I never did inquire about your real name. Well, I'm sure you'll have no problem with seduction if needed."

Ernst: "Yeah, Philips has said the same thing, but let's stay focused on the mission. I'm heading into town to gather information."

Novak: "Best of luck. There's a gray pickup truck outside for you, equipped with a light combat kit in the back, just in case. But remember, we're on U.S. soil, and we shouldn't be here. Only resort to violence if it's a matter of life or death."

With that, I stepped outside and hopped into the truck. After starting the engine, I pulled out of the driveway and headed towards town. On the way, I noticed Nevermore Academy in the distance, perched atop the mountain, casting a gray and eerie presence over the town of Jericho. Around five minutes later, I arrived downtown, where a statue of a man stood in the middle of the plaza. Parking the truck, I stepped out and was greeted by the invigorating mountain air. The vibrant autumn colors were refreshing to behold. As I admired the scenery, I observed a young girl colliding with a man. For a brief moment, her gaze appeared transfixed, before she continued walking and entered the Weathervane Cafe and Bakery. The man she bumped into muttered, "Damn Nevermore freaks." Upon hearing this, I decided to assist him in picking up the apples and took the opportunity to ask him a question.

Ernst: "Why did you call her a freak?"

Man: "They come into town, and trouble follows. I've heard rumors that it's a school full of vampires and werewolves. My advice: don't go near them."

Intrigued by the conversation, I decided to follow the girl into the cafe. She was engaged in a conversation with the barista, who seemed flustered while handling the steaming machine. I took a seat in the corner, attempting to eavesdrop on their discussion, but their voices remained elusive. I noticed the girl was wearing a black Nevermore uniform and appeared to be questioning the barista.

Leaving the cafe, I prepared to head towards Nevermore when another girl caught my attention. She had short blonde hair with colorful highlights and distinctive eye makeup. She seemed upset, inspecting her flat front left tire. I approached her and offered assistance. She explained that her tire went flat after leaving the Weathervane, and she would appreciate any help. I hurried to my truck, retrieved my tire iron and jack, and then brought her spare tire to replace the flat one. As I changed the tire, she started asking questions.

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