Chapter 3

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Y/n=your name                  Y/l/n= your last name

Y/n pov

   I'm sitting in the room when I hear a knock on the door. I don't respond. I was taught not to. Then Bucky walks in. "Hi. Are you getting adjusted into your room?" he asks. I nod. "I know you have some questions. am I wrong?" I shake my head. "What do you want answers to?" he asks.

    "How do you know me?" I question. "You trained me at HYDRA, '' he says bluntly. "Do you know my name?" I ask. " Your name is Y/n Y/l/n. But at HYDRA you were known as the" "Red soldier." I finish for him. That I know. "Yeah." he muttered. The door opens again so I jolt up off of the bed and have a scalpel in hand that I stole from earlier. "Hey Steve." Bucky greets. I put the scalpel up my sleeve to hide it. "Hey Buck! I wanted to let you guys know that dinner is ready."

    "Awesome you coming Y/n?" Bucky asks. I nod. We are walking to the elevator when Steve asks, "So your name is Y/n?" I nod. "I like it. It's a very pretty name." Steve adds. We enter the main floor where everyone is sitting at the dinner table. "Hey guys!" Steve says. Then a chores of hi's and hello's go by. "So everyone this is Y/n." Bucky announces. Everyone says hi except for Tony Stark.

    I am sitting next to Bucky and Clint. "Do you want some meatballs and pasta?" Bucky asks. "What is that?" I question looking at the round ball. "It's heaven that's what it is!" Clint chimes in. Bucky takes my plate and serves me some along with what looks like bread. I look at it and inspect it. "It's not poisoned. By the way." Bucky whispers. I nod and take a bite. My face lights up. I have never tasted anything as good as this. I let out a moan. "Good?" Bucky asks. I nod.

    Once we're done dinner I head back to the room. Bucky and Steve aren't far behind me. They are in their own conversation. Suddenly I feel the urge to puke. I dart to the bathroom, while Bucky and Steve follow behind. Making it just in time it all comes out. Bucky rushes by my side and helps me lift my hair back. "It's ok this happens. It's because they didn't feed you enough at HYDRA. Your body will get used to it don't worry." Bucky says.

    They end up staying and talking for a bit. I just respond with a nod or a yes. That way they know I am listening. After Bucky and Steve leave the clock reads 1:04 a.m. I go to lay on the bed but instantly get up. I move to the floor and lay there for a while. Eventually falling Asleep.

    I wake up and am on an operation table. I go to sit up but am held down with restraints. Then a man with a red face appears. "Red Soldier it's good to see you up." he says with a thick german accent. "I would like you to meet Dr.Erskine. He will make you stronger than we could ever imagine." he says with an evil grin.

    "It is time to start the first trial." the man with the red face says. I can tell by the look on the Dr. 's face that he is worried. Dr.Erskine walks up to me and he puts a needle into my arm and injects me with a blue goop. I am taken in by a piercing pain, something I have never felt before. I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. "You will be the best weapon of HYDRA history." he says. "STOPPP!!! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!!" I scream in pain. "I would listen more if I were you you my foolish pet."

     I jolt up with a scream. I am covered in sweat and my hair is sticking to my face. I can't get that man out of my head. I look at the clock that reads 3:28. I need to clear my mind. I put on a pair of joggers and a long shirt. I walk outside of the tower and just start running. I don't know what time it is but the sun isn't up yet.

    I have run about 97 miles so far and want to go for 110 when I realize that it's 9:16 am. Which means I have been running for close to 7 hours. I make my way back to the tower unnoticed. I'm riding up the elevator when I hear a lady's voice. I take a step back knowing I'm the only one in the elevator. "Mr. Star would like to see you miss. Y/n" says the lady. Have I really lost my mind to this point? "Mr. Stark says to meet him in the main living room." she says. I don't respond but I go there anyway.

    "Where have you been?!" Tony yells. "Huh! Where the hell were you?!!" Then I see Bucky and Steve come in. "Y/n where did you go?" Steve asks in a calmer voice. "I went for a run." I simple state. "A RUN? YOU WENT FOR A STUPID RUN!!!" Tony screams. "Tony lets" Steve tries to bargain but is quickly cut off. "Shut it Steve! We can't have a crazy, psychopath, killer running around! If something sets you of we could have HYDRA's pet running around the city!" At this I freeze. "What?! You can't say anything?" Tony says. "Tony. Stop it." Bucky growls.

    "Don't. Call. Me. That." I say in a threatening voice. "Tony don't say anything." Steve says. "You are nothing but their little pet." Tony says. My mind goes blank and suddenly my mission is to kill Tony Stark. I charge to him and knock him to the ground Bucky goes to pull me off of him. I use my elbow and hit him in the nose, breaking it. He lets me go and I sprint to Tony and jump on him. "Y/n stop this isn't you!" Bucky says. I grab his arm and twist it in a weird way close to breaking it when Steve puts me in a headlock. "Y/n please stop. He didn't mean it." Steve begs. I throw him off of me, knocking the wind out of him.

    "Never let them see your pain!" Bucky blurts out. I turn in his direction looking at his built figure. "Never let them see your pain or they'll know you're weak. That's what you told me when I first met you." Bucky says. Suddenly it's like my life got shoved back into me. I fall to the floor. My head is pounding. It's like someone is smashing it with a hammer. Bucky runs to my side. "It's ok. It's ok." Bucky says softly stroking my hair. I feel like bursting into tears but I hold them back. I promised myself that I would never cry in front of anyone.

    "Come on, we need to get you to Bruce." Bucky says. "Buck, wait!" Steve commands. "I don't think it would be smart to take her to him. I don't want a place like that to set her off like that again." He whispers. "Ok I'll take her to my room." Bucky says. Steve gives him a nod of approval. Bucky helps me up and we walk to his room in silence. I can't seem to think straight. My head is spinning and pounding. Bucky takes me to his room and he seats me on the bed.

    "What happened?" Bucky asks. "I, I don't, I don't know. I'm sorry." I squeak out. Bucky goes into his bathroom and it looks like he is getting something from his cabinet. "Here take this. It will help with the head ache." he says. He hands me three little white pills and a little glass of water. Well I'm used to taking drugs so whatever. I take them with caution from him and down them. "Y/n we should talk." 

Hi guys!!! I hope you are all doing well another chapter done! 

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