Chapter 2 pt.1

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Bucky pov

    I wake up in a hospital room. I have an IV bag attached to me and a heart monitor. I look over and see Steve in a sling and with a crutch next to him. "Hey Buck. How are you feeling?" Steve asks. "I got shot so that kinda hurt." I respond. He laughs. Bruce walks in the door with his clipboard. "Hey Bucky how are you feeling?" Bruce asks. "I feel fine sore but nothing I'm not used to." I say.

    Bruce is jotting things down on his clipboard and then asks me a series of questions. "Ok I'm going to test your blood levels and then the stitches." Bruce says. He takes a sample of my blood and goes over to the counter and puts it into a spinny thing. "You seem to be good, now can you lift your shirt up?" Bruce commands. I sit up and take off my shirt. Bruce puts on gloves and readjusts his glasses. "It seems to be healing pretty well. Come tomorrow to get the stitches out." Bruce says then leaves.

    I put my shirt on and stand up and go to help Steve to his feet. "She really did a number on you huh Stevie." I tease him. "Haha." He says. We make our way to the elevator and head to our floor. "You hungry Steve?" I ask. "Sure." He replies. "How does eggs, toast, and smokies sound?" I ask, getting out a pan. "Like a party in my mouth." He says.

    Once we're done eating Tony comes in and sits down at the table. "Hey Cap how ya feeling?" Tony asks. "Bruce said that it's nothing to series." I say. "That's good. I wanted to talk to Bucky." Tony says. I always feel awkward around him, I mean I did kill his dad but he's so obsessed with finding his mom's killer and he acts like I know who it is.

    "So what do you know about the girl?" Tony asks. "I can't remember much, but I know that she was there before me. I don't know if she was around with Red Skull or not but she is very skilled. Do you know how she is?" I ask. "She was starting to wake up but we sedated her. She'll probably be out for two more days. Now are you sure you don't know anything else about her?" He says. "No Tony I don't remember anything else." I say. "Fine I'll see you guys later." Tony says then leaves.

    "You weren't being 100% honest, where are you?" Steve asks. "No, I mean I don't remember much. Her name is Y/n and she had a brother at some point, and she was HYDRA's perfect soldier." I reply. Steve nods. Once we're done eating I take his plate and mine and clean up breakfast. I help him over to the couch where we watched Parks and Rec for a while. For once I'm the one that has to help Steve which is a nice change. I help him to bed and then go to bed.

    In the morning I go for a walk around the city. I didn't sleep much. I kept thinking about Y/n and what she's been through. Once I get back I go to Bruce's room where he takes out my stitches. He told me where Y/n's room was so I made my way over. As I'm leaving I see Tony and decide to follow him.

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