Chapter 27

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Bucky's pov

    After a while I ended up sitting on the bed with Y/n and we watched some tv. She was quiet but would occasionally look at me or ask me a question about the show. Every now and then she would tense up so I would grab her left hand and trace my fingers in circles. 

    I can tell that she's in pain but wont say anything. Eventually she ended up falling asleep on me and I later fallowed. I end up waking up to mumbling. I forgot where I was then I remembered that I was with Y/n.

    I look over to her sleeping figure, she seems to be in distress. Her eyes are closed shut, tight. And her eye brows are scrunched. Both of her arms grip the bed tight. "Y/n wake up. It's just a dream." I say. "No" She says. "Y/n please wake up." I say softly but pleading. "Don't kill-don't kill her." She says, her voice is horseish and sounds broken.

    "Y/n it's not real." I say a little louder this time. She starts to breath heavy and quickly. I try to wake her up and calm her but it's no use. I get up and push the button on the side of her bed to contact Bruce. He ends up coming about 3 minutes later. But by know she's yelling and pleading.

    "What's going on?" He asks in a frantic voice. "Friday! Get Wanda down here!" He yells. Bruce goes over to the monitor and checks her heart rate and her brain waves. The monitor is going crazy and it's starting to scare me. Eventually Wanda comes in and Nat is close to her side. I can see Nat's face go pale and the color leaves her skin. 

    "What's going on?" Wanda asks. "We need you to go in and calm her down!" Bruce says. "She's having a nightmare." I add. Wanda walks up to the bed and puts her hands on her head. I look over to Nat, which I can see tears well up in her eyes. 

Y/n pov

This is the nightmare and any words that are said will be in russian. Also this takes place in Siberia.

    I'm in an old looking wooden cabin. It's me and the little red haired girl. She's sitting on the bed and I haven't left the door at all, not making a sudden movement. I will accessional look at her sleeping figure but would then go back to the door.

    There's a little clock that reads 7:43 am. The girl begins to wake up. "What's going on mat'?" The girl asks. I walk over to her a kneel down by the bedside. As I sit down I let out a sigh and put down my gun. "Look I need to leave but I will be back by 20:00. I need you to stay inside and lock the door. What ever you do don't start a fire. There is food in the cabinet that you can eat. I will be back with more food later." I tell her. 

    "Ok." She responds. I get up, grab my gun and make my way to the door. I give the girl one last look then leave, closing the door behind me. I make my way to the woods. I run for about 19 miles in the opposite direction of the cabin I make some zig zags to throw them off of my trail. Once I'm about 35 miles away I take out my knife and take off my jacket. It has been snowing all day and it's about -20 degrees outside. 

    I take my left arm and make a cut on my inner arm. I but my cold metal arm in and start to dig around. I let out a little hiss but I end up finding the tracker that they put in me. Once it's out I run for about another 7 miles and then I find two deers. I creep my way up to them, I shoot the one, then tackle the other. I open it's mouth and shove the tracker down it's throat. 

    I let it go and it sprints away. I grab the dead one and put it over my shoulders and make my way back. It's about 4:30 pm and it's already pitch black outside. The winds start to howl and the snow picks up. I can feel the temp start to fall even more. 

    I eventually get back to the little cabin. I open the door and I see the girl. She's sitting on the floor next to a heater with a blanket wrapped around her. As I enter her gaze comes over to me. She gets up and hugs me. "Your late I thought that you where dead." She says and starts to whimper a little. I put down the deer and put my hands on her shoulder. "I would never leave my little dancer." I say in a calming and reassuring voice.

    She hugs me again and then I pull back. "Can you get a fire started?" I ask her. "Sure!" She replies. I go outside and skin the deer with my knife. I start to butcher it, I bring in the two back legs and the liver. I dig a hole and put the rest of the deer in the hole then cover it up to keep it fresh. 

    As I come back in she has the fire ready and I start to cook the deer. Once I do that I lock up the door and take my boots off. I go to the bathroom and take a shower. Once I come out the red haired girl has the deer ready. "Nice job little one." I smile at her and ruffle her hair. 

    "Your bleeding." She says. "Pardon?" I ask. "Your arm, here let me go grab some bandages." She says and then leaves to go to the bathroom. I can't believe that I forgot that I cut myself. She comes back holding supplies. "Sit." She commands me. I do as she says and sit on the bed. 

    "This might sting but we need to disinfect it." She says. "The only thing that we have is vodka." She adds. She pours it on and I let a little grunt, put thankfully she doesn't hear it. Then she puts pressure on my arm and then wraps it up. "There you go!" She says and I can tell that she's taking pride with the way she helped with the wound.

    We eat out dinner and she ends up going to bed. I guard the door and then it skips. I'm suddenly running in the snow carrying the girl. When I end up getting shot in the stomach. I stumble on my feet and then force myself back up. "You've been shot!" The girl yells. "Keep quiet!" I order her. 

    I keep running and running. Then I feel a piercing pain in my shoulder, making my drop the girl. "Come on we need to keep going." I say picking her up. I keep on running and then I hear a bomb go off, sending us flying through the air. I try to pick myself up but then I get pushed to the ground. I feel a foot on my back. 

    "You really think you can run?" I here a familiar voice say. It's Korbin. "If it wasn't for the girl we might have never gotten HYDRA's pet back." He scoffs. I look to my right where I see two men holding her down. "Let here go!" I yell at them. I feel helpless. "NO DON'T HURT HER!" The girl yells. "Take her back." I hear Korbin command the soldiers holding her down. 

    I throw him off of me and rush to the girl. I can't have her end up like me. As I try to make my way over I feel a pain in my head. I fall to my knees and hold my head. I end up screaming out of pain and I can hear the girl start to cry. "Take her away." Korbin says again. "Y/N!!!" She yells out to me. Then I hear a gunshot.

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