Chapter 2

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That boarding school wasn't really that bad. It was actually pretty good and Zerhica remembered that it will become a famous international school after a few years and most of the students who graduated there became successful people. Yet, Zerhica chose to stay here just for the sake of being with 'Lucas' who never really cared about her.

Zerhica sighed. This time she won't make the same mistake. She will agree to go to this boarding school and while she's there, she will try to start a business so that when she graduates, she won't have to return to this hell house.

After taking a bath, Zerhica makes her way to her father's office. It was a gloomy room with very dark curtains blocking the sunshine from the window. It was a very stuffy room and she can't seem to figure out how can her father work in such a stiff place.

"Sit down" said Veron, Zerhica's father. He is sitting casually on the sofa in the middle of the room while his wife sat beside him.

Zerhica walked towards them and sit on the sofa across from her parents.

"I want to talk with you about your studies" Zerhica nodded.

"I've heard"

"I want to send you to a boarding school" He said carefully, waiting for Zerhica to disagree and make a tantrum but to his surprise, She didn't.

Zerhica just sat there quietly so he just continued talking. "I know you might be upset for me to send you away while your sister will study at the University near here-"

"Alright" Zerhica said calmly.



"Good, good. You understand that I'm doing this for your future right?" Veron smiled to his daughter as if he really cared about this daughter of his but little did he know that Zerhica know his plans.

Her father wants to send her away simply because he doesn't want to take care of her and he's ashamed of her because compared to her two older sisters, She's of no value to him

Zerhica smiled. "Yes father, I know"

Just like what her father said, Zerhica left her not-so-comfortable home to go to live in a boarding school for her whole college years but before she left, she promise something to her mother, Sarah.

"I will come back and I will take you out of this house" Zerhica promised her as she kept on crying watching her daughter put her baggage in the car that will take her to the 4-hours travel away from Boarding school.

Sarah stiffen when she heard what her daughter said. "What do you mean?"

"After I graduate, I will take you far away from here and live on our own" Although Sarah never showed it to her, Zerhica knows her mother's suffering.

She knows that her bastard father, Veron bring home different woman every night and hold them in front of her mother not caring if she's watching him or not.

Although her parent's marriage was just an arranged one, Zerhica still can't stop the anger that is building inside her just thinking how cruel her father treat her mother that's why she oath to bring her mother out of this place and maybe make her divorce her father at the process.

"I promise at when I came back I am already successful so I can take mother anywhere she wants to go" Zerhica smiled at her mother.

Sarah looked at her daughter and smiled back. She didn't really believe what her 17-year-old daughter was saying but she just nodded her head and said: "Alright, mother will wait for you to come back home with loads of money"

Zerhica laughed. She knows that her mother doesn't really believe her but she just didn't say anything and bid her last goodbye to her but just as she was going to enter the car, she suddenly stop when she saw a familiar figure walking in her direction.

There she saw, Lucas and her sister Lilia walking side by side. Lilia suddenly stopped when she saw her but she didn't say anything and stayed glued to her place.

Lucas noticed her movements that's why he followed her gaze and his eyes met with Zerhica's. Lucas frowned, his eyes full of disgust just by looking at Zerhica.

Zerhica laughed. how could her 17-year-old self be infatuated with this scum man?

Lucas frowned even more when he saw Zerhica laugh at him. 'What the hell is wrong with this woman?'

If it were in the past, Zerhica would have already run to him and begged for his attention but the Zerhica that is standing a few miles away from him seems different. There's no infatuation in her eyes nor did she even smile at him like she usually do. Her gaze at him was empty as if she didn't feel anything for him at all.

Lucas was confused but he didn't have time to analyze Zerhica's gaze when she suddenly entered the car that was parked in front of the Lionheart's mansion.

"Want to go inside, Lucas?" Lucas' attention was snatch back to the present when he suddenly heard Lilia's soft voice.

"Oh, yeah sure" he said, already forgot about the unusual gaze he receive from Zerhica.

The Zerhica that is residing inside the 17-year-old college girl already graduate from college and experience a whole lifetime that's why it was just a piece of cake for Zerhica to graduate a cum laude in business management.

Zerhica aced all her subjects and passed all exams. She became a model student and was also nominated as a student council in her department but she refuse. She was too busy managing her growing business.

That's right. She already started her own business but no one knows that she owns the popular cafe that opened 4 years ago when she just started college.

Zerhica remembered from her past life that a few years from now, a drink that is called 'milk tea' would be popular among the students that's why she starts a cafe business that sells milk tea near her school before the drink become a trend and just like what she expected, her cafe soon became very successful to the point where It was always filled with student and after a few years, her 'milk tea' cafe now has hundred of branches all over the country.

And just like that, after 4 years of hard work, Zerhica fulfilled her promise to her mother and to herself.

But she knows that this is only the beginning.

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