Chapter 9

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"You don't have anyone to send you home?" Miharo asked Zerhica as they walked out of the hotel with Hana.

The business party just ended but Hana was still chatting with Zerhica nonstop but their talk was interrupted by Miharo's question.

"Oh, I have my secretary and a chauffeur" Zerhica answered before smiling at him. She'd only met Miharo but somehow she felt attached to him as if she knew him before.

There's this weird feeling Zerhica felt every time their eyes met and when she watch his lips as he talk, It sends an indescribable feeling in her stomach.

"Do you want to send sister Zerhica home brother?" Hana asked enthusiastically as she watch the two interact. She noticed her brother staring at her newfound best friend quite more than normal and she felt happy as she realize that her cold brother finally showed interest in a girl.

In the past, Her brother treated females rashly and never showed interest and it got to the point where she started to doubt her brother's sexuality until now.

"No need" Zerhica said before Miharo could open his mouth to answer his sister's teasing. "I manage to arrive here on my own so I can manage going home by myself"

Miharo felt unhappy for a moment but he didn't show it on his face. He nodded towards the charming woman in front of him. Initially, He wanted to go with his sister's suggestion to send Zerhica home but the woman rejected the offer before he could say anything so he doesn't have any choice but to watch her retreating back as she walk towards the parking lot.

"What's with the longing gaze?" Hana teased her brother once again but instead of denying it, Miharo grinned while his gaze was still on Zerhica but then, something happened that made his smile freeze.

Zerhica's face was red as she walk hastily towards the parking lot looking for her car. Miharo's gentle gaze and smiles lingered in her mind making her stomach feel uncomfortable. The fact that she can still feel that Miharo was looking at her while she walk away doesn't help with the confusing feelings she felt.

Nora left the party earlier and went to the car while she was still chatting with Hana and Miharo so Zerhica have to look for her car herself. She took her cell phone from her purse, planning to give Nora a call but then suddenly, someone grabbed her arm and covered her mouth with a white cloth drenched with a nose wrecking perfume. It made her dizzy and slowly lose her consciousness.

The last thing she remembered, was being dragged towards a black vehicle and in the background, she can hear someone calling her name.

"Zerhica!" The voice was filled with panic and horror that made her remember the last moment of her past life before she died in the car accident and then she finally lost consciousness.


Zerhica slowly opened her eyes then she was greeted with an unfamiliar ceiling she had never seen before. I was made out of stone and was covered with moss. She raised her upper body and slowly get up from the hard mattress she was laying at then she scanned her surroundings.

The walls were gray and filled with cracks as if they will collapse anytime soon. There were a lot of steel and old woods laying here and there. There was also a barrel in the middle of the room that was filled with fire.

In one gaze, Zerhica was sure that she was in an abandoned warehouse where kidnappers usually bring their victims.

Why did they kidnap her? Zerhica asked herself but before she can think about the possible answers, the door opened and a tough-looking man entered the room holding a phone against his ears, probably talking to someone.

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