Chapter 25

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Since it's v-day double update

(After watching the first three movies of the series)

"Nooope. I don't care what you say, Bo peep and Woody are the better ship." Josie says, slurring slightly because she's officially buzzed, a thin line between drunk and heavily buzzed actually.

Hope shakes her head slowly before finishing the remaining liquid in her jar. She sets it on her dresser along with Josie's.

"You are wrong jobear." Hope says giggling as she pokes the brunettes cheek."It's buzz and Jessie."

Hope is strongly buzzed as well, since she has a higher tolerance than the brunette, she's not slurring but she's feeling a lot more goofier than normal, which Josie noticed. She doesn't mind.

Josie giggles in response before she puts her pointer finger on Hope's forehead, leaving it there,"No you are just saying that because Jessie is your favoriteee character."

The corner of Hope's eyes crinkle and her eyebrows snap together as she thinks. "That has nothing to do with it." She replies unbelievingly, while moving her finger to Josie's nose, giving it a small tap.

A goofy smile stretched the brunettes lips."Suree." She slurs as her finger slides downward, stopping on Hope's chin, very close to the woman's bottom lip.

Hope blinks slowly, her eyes slightly hooded but she wears a goofy smile herself as she stares at Josie.

"You're one to talk." Hope says and Josie lifted a brow,"What do you mean?" She asks, she now full on cups Hope's cheek, her thumb caressing the soft skin.

Hope sighs audibly and leans into the contact and this gives Josie some more confidence along with the alcohol she's ingested; liquid courage.

"Hmm," Hope hums in satisfaction, eyes closing momentarily at the touch before they open up again,"I'm saying that you are only with that ship because your favorite character is woody."

"That is not why." Josie says before laughing at the accusation. That is part of the reason why she ships that relationship,she just won't admit it to Hope.

Her laughter dies in her throat though when she felt the auburnettes pointer finger on her bottom lip.

She drew in a sharp breath at the contact before her eyes go back to the woman's face.

Hope's eyes are trained onto Josie's lips, her finger brushing along the tender skin. Just mindlessly tracing the outline of pouty lips while a blush coats Josie's cheeks.

Hope seemed to have finally snapped out of what whatever trance she was in and removed her hand. Cheeks tinge pink as she looks away,"Sorry jo, I feel like I'm always apologizing to you." she chuckles nervously,"but um you're very pretty and your..lips are too."

Josies eyebrows raise in surprise and Hope's face gets darker as she looks anywhere else,"Damnit," she cursed under her breath,"That was a weird thing to say." She groans in embarrassment.

Josie felt her face getting warm and she used the hold she still has on the woman's cheek, forcing the auburnette to look at her.

"Not at all." She says softly when she got Hope to make eye contact,"Your lips are prettier." She adds.

It wasn't her best way of flirting but she doesn't really care since she's not in a sober state.

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