Chapter 28 "Crush on You"

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(A few weeks later)

Josie had been being really consistent with hanging with Hope, the squad, and studying for her classes.

It's been a bit exhausting actually but worth it. Hope may have something to do with that.

After her day with Lizzie and Elena, Hope had spent the night in her room again and now they have casual sleep overs in each others rooms every other night, which she enjoys.

Everything was great until Hope began talking about how the date went with Landon.

Apparently he had kissed her on the cheek at the end of it.

Josie acted as if the information didn't phase her, which worked out because Hope was ignorant to Josie's sour face.

Jealousy prickled her skin at the information, mainly because she wanted to be the one to do that to the auburnette.

It wont make to top ten of her favorite moments but she can't really complain about the time she spends with the auburnette.

They have been closer than ever and basically inseparable. Hope even told the girl that she's her best friend which Josie thought was good news.. until she told Lizzie who warned her about the friend zone.

Now she has mixed feelings about it but, she's seen the best relationships start off as friends. She just hopes that it will grow into something more.

She thinks it's very possible, in time she's grown confidence, especially when Hope flirts with her or playfully flirts, she's not sure if it's real or not still.

She actually flirts back of course, making it as obvious as she can that she's serious, and they continue until one of them is a blushing mess.

Josie's honestly not sure how Hope is so casual and smooth when it comes to flirting. She finds it very amusing but it's even better when she gets the girl so flushed. Her flirting game could still use some work though.

Of course Lizzie had something to say, according to her twin, she's whipped already and they haven't even gotten together.

Josie denied it of course but it didn't matter, once Lizzie's mind was made up there was no changing it.

Sadly though, Josie couldn't keep Hope to herself because Hope isn't hers, even if she was, she knows she still wouldn't be able to. She's a person not an object.

Josie rolls her eyes at the thought of herself acting possessive when she isn't even in a relationship.

She lets that thought slowly dissipate into nothing as she refocused on the person in front of her when she heard her name.

"Jo are you good? You kind of spaced out there." Mg says looking at her with curiosity and concern.

Josie blinks twice before she smiles,"Yeah I'm fine. I was just in deep thought."

He arched a brow,"about what?"

Josie bites the inside of her cheek, she knows Mg is one of her best friends, so maybe she should tell someone else besides Lizzie. Mg might give her better advice than her twin anyway who keeps telling her to get Hope to like her by showing her some Saltzman magic. Not very helpful.

She sighs softly while she tunes the strings of her ukulele, glad that her dad had finally sent it.

She sent Mg a text to hang out, Lizzie is out and Hope is with Landon. She also needs some advice and Mg has always helped in the past so now they are in the lobby that's located in the women's dormitory building.

It's about as far as guys can go because it is public and it's the same for girls in the men's lobby as well.

Mg has his medium sized bongo drum resting on the floor in front of him and Josie is sitting on the couch opposite of him, her legs crossed as her instrument sits in her lap.

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