Chapter 42

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Hope doesn't let the brunette respond after that, she checks the time and double checks when the main event takes place.

While Hope makes mental plans, Josie is enjoying how beautiful everything looks. She's never been somewhere that looks so.. expensive.

She watched a woman that looks younger than her and Hope, walk by and her eyes widen,'Her dress looks like it costs more than my life.'

"Alright Doctor," Hope says gaining Josie's attention,"get ready for one of the best nights of your life." She says and a sweet smile sits on her lips.

"Ooo what do you have planned Mikaelson?" She asks feeling a little giddy.

"Follow me." Hope says and Josie does since their hands are still laced together.

They walk over to a dim lit part of the building, the room is more like an opening than anything, once she steps inside it's like a different place altogether. There's people not artists she assumed because all of them are painting on canvases and the actual floor as if it's a canvas as well.

"Oh wow." Josie says in awe as she watched an older looking man sketch an actual heart, veins included."is everyone here an artist??"she asks the auburnette.

Hope chuckles,"Pretty much. We are at a famous art exhibit jobear, that's where the award ceremony is taking place."

'Oh.' She thinks blushing in embarrassment because she realized that was a dumb question.

Hope brings her over to a black-blank colored canvas that was sitting on a stand. Josie's eyebrows meet in confusion and it deepens when Hope suddenly holds out a palette and two paint brushes.

"Paint something for me." Hope says casually with a shrug of her shoulders.

Josie couldn't hold in her chuckle,"Hope I would love to but I'm about as talented as a five year old when it comes to drawing." She says before she gently pushed the palette away.

A pout finds Hope's lips,"but we're painting not drawing."

Josie groans lightly before she grabs the palette and picks up a paint brush,"Hope I suck." She whines.

"I'll help you get started." Hope responds happily.

Josie's gaze went toward the canvas to think about what she wants to potentially create."And how do you plan on doing that? Talking me through it?" She asks as she dips her paint brush into the white paint.

"Like this." She hears the auburnette whisper. Goosebumps prickle her skin while the hairs on her neck stand suddenly.

'She's behind me,' How did she know?That body heat is something she can always pin point.'wait when did she get behind me?'

She doesn't think on that too long because she felt a warm hand settle onto her waist and another on her arm.

That hand begins to slowly descend down her arm and Josie freezes in place.

Her back goes stiff as a red flush covers her skin. She does her absolute to not lean into the girl's touch or the body heat she's emanating.

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