5 - Why me?

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Jaz groaned peeling her face from the small puddle of drool she'd left on her pillow. Her entire body was sore. The bruises were tender and protested every time she poked them. The room was unfamiliar to her, but a quick peek out the window reminded her of the happenings yesterday. The window opened up to a view of the courtyard she'd entered yesterday though aside from a few metal shavings glinting on the ground, all evidence of the fight last night was gone. Sitting on the bed, watching over her, was Hero. He perked up the moment he saw her move. Jaz noticed there was an added caution to his movements as he approached her.

"You ok bud?" He carefully nuzzled her bandaged hand while whimpering, "Oh! Are you worried about my injuries?" She pulled him into a hug, "You're such a strange dog." Her eyes travelled to the door. From the view out the window, she knew she was on the third floor above the clinic.

The door opened with Jason behind it, "Oh, you're awake finally! Was just coming to check on you since its already so late in the day."

Instinctively Jaz held Hero closer to her chest. She felt uncomfortable just waking up in the bedroom of some strangers, "What time is it anyways?" What she really wanted to ask is why she was still there, and who moved her to this room.

"It's one pm already." Jason seemed to read through her suspicions, "We didn't want to wake you given how quickly you passed out and the condition you were in already. Figured you needed the rest more than you thought." When Jaz didn't respond he scratched the back of his head, "Sorry, we should've given you the choice..."

"Its. It's fine I get it, admittedly I am really sore." She said wincing from her stretch.

"Right, well. The clinic is closed downstairs. Why don't you take a shower, there's some Advil in the medicine cabinet behind the sink. I'll get your dogs chip checked and we can talk about last night." Jaz nodded and he disappeared down the hall after pointing out where the bathroom was and where the towels were.

Jaz didn't even hesitate at the thought of showering in a stranger's home. She'd spent so many months living off the streets that she jumped at any chance to shower. The safest ways to shower were gyms and community showers. Homeless shelters had schedules and no way to ensure her things were safe while she showered and there was never a guarantee they'd have a bed for her anyways. Still, she didn't regret choosing to explore this world as a vagrant. Though, there was something to be said about good shampoo and a shower with a strong water flow.

Once she'd finished, she found a pair of grey sweats and a white t-shirt neatly folded on top of the towel she'd pulled down for herself. One sniff of her old clothes confirmed why they'd decided to leave her something fresh. She stuffed her old things into her backpack, popped an Advil with a handful of water and descended the stairs to the second floor.

Now that she was properly conscious, Jaz checked out the living room she'd been set down to rest in the night before. The place was spacious with two walls dedicated to giant windows overlooking the main street below. Across the way were giant illuminated billboards and the noise from the afternoon traffic jam below could be faintly heard. The floors were made of scratched up wood, with leather sofa's and an older plasma tv sitting in the corner surrounded by windows. In the opposite corner, right of the stairs she'd just descended was a corner kitchen with an island separating it from the rest of the living room. That is where she found Jason, topping four sandwiches with the upper halves of baguettes.

"Why did you decide to set up your practice out here?" The words slipped out without much thought.

"Here, take this." He slid two plates to her, one with two large sandwiches on it and the other with one. She followed him down the stairs, "I grew up here all my life if you believe it. Saw the side Southside many people have forgotten since. This place wasn't always called Suicide Slums you know." He sighed, "Well, a lot of people have given up on this community. Heck. Even Superman doesn't grace us with his presence... But so long as I'm living, this vet will stay open. Even the small family members of the downtrodden deserve medical care."

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