Captured together

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Jaz kneeled alongside Brin pulling Hero into an embrace. She left a kiss on his snout.

"I'll get us out of this. Just wait for me." Brin whispered. His voice sounded gravelly and low, more like a growl than speech. The Raptor soldiers quickly seized him, roughly pulling him to his feet. They shackled him using a giant block like cuff that attached magnetically to itself before dragging him away. Their tails slam into his legs tripping him up, but she never heard him make so much as a grunt of pain before she lost sight of him.

At the same time, two Raptors grabbed Jaz by her upper arms while another tried to get a hold of Hero. He slipped out of its arms, easily dodging behind it. Jaz felt a metal tail snake around her neck. It squeezed cutting off her air. She struggled to grab it, to rip it off her neck, but her arms were clamped against her sides in a bruising grip by both Raptors. Seeing this, Hero stopped struggling and allowed himself to be grabbed. Jaz gasped for air, tears blurring her vision as the tail finally released her. By the time she'd recovered Hero had already disappeared and she was being dragged away in the opposite direction of Timber Wolf.

This time she was conscious for them marching her through the halls. She didn't attempt to resist. There was no point anyways, being weaker than a normal human. Jaz focused on trying to memorize the exact path they were taking, recounting each twist and turn as well as every door number they passed. She looked for any markings she could use, but every hall was the same; smooth cement with no distinguishable features. In her mind she repeated each twist in turn like a mantra, adding to it as they went.

They stopped in front of a door labelled seventy three. The door slid the wall revealing a large laboratory with rows upon rows of operating tables and machines. At the center of the room was a large glass dome with green liquid suspended in it, but aside from bubbles it was empty. Jaz managed to catch a glimpse of the code they keyed into the door to open it and she burned it into her memory. They pushed her through the lab snaking between various large machines and equipment designed to scan and monitor. On the other end of the room was another door locked with a keypad. This time the Raptor noticed her watching and hit her hard on the back of her head scattering stars in her vision. She focused hard on remembering the two codes, completely ignoring her surroundings even as she was being shoved into a small metal cube of a room. A blue force field stuttered to life sealing her in. She glared at their retreating forms until the door had hissed shut.

"Hey. Are you ok?" A male voice called out at her from the cell directly in front of hers. Jaz blurted out the two codes she was trying to memorize. "What was that?"

"The codes to the doors, remember them." She continued to focus on the mantra.

"Six numbers and five. You're missing a digit." A female voice caught Jaz's eyes and she focused on the woman approaching the forcefield on the far end of the room. She had ice blue eyes and golden hair she let flow freely over her shoulders. She had the face of a supermodel and her bright red lipstick really stuck out to Jaz. She was dressed in black spandex with a blackish blue leather jacket on, floral patterned black spandex leggings and heeled ankle boots. Jaz took another look at the man who'd asked if she was ok before. He wore a black mask that concealed just his eyes, his blond hair was topped by a feathered green hat and he wore a green spandex and leather body suit.

"Oh! It's you two!" Jaz smiled, "The Black Canary and the Green Arrow! I'm a big fan." Despite herself, she smiled at the sight of them in the flesh. If only she was meeting them at a fundraiser or some other innocuous event, rather than trapped in a creepy old mans laboratory dungeon.

"We get that a lot," The Green Arrow winked, flipping Jaz a finger gun.

The Black Canary rolled her eyes at him, "The door codes. What doors do they go to?"

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