6 - You weren't supposed to know

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Brin had returned sometime during her conversation over the phone. When she'd re-emerged from the bedroom he had placed the ground rules that neither her, and especially Hero, could leave the house. Even the balcony was off limits. In the back of her mind she worried that despite the beacon now being moved, they'd still come to this place since this is where it had originally fallen. To quell her worries she thumbed through TV channels until she'd found WGBS with a 'breaking update 'on the missing Superman. Jaz wasn't really interested in the story herself, but the sudden reaction Hero had to hearing the story made her pause. His head had shot up, his ears were firmly forward and his eyes were glued to the screen as the anchor spoke.

'The Justice league has yet to address the public's fears that Superman is missing. It has been over a month,' The screen cut to a shaky camera displaying images of Super man walking out of what looked like the rubble of a building with a child in his arms reuniting her with her family, 'Since Superman has last appeared to the public. Concerns over Superman's absence at the libraries opening have grown exponentially as request for comment is continually ignored by the Justice league Media coordinator and spokesperson Abigail Point. As weeks pass with no sign of Superman, the public fears what this could mean for emboldened villains the world over. Superman is scheduled to appear at the children's hospital next month...'

Jaz glanced back at Hero. He was completely absorbed by the story at this point. She'd never seen a dog act like this. The story had shifted to street interviews with 'concerned citizens' who voiced their well wishes and spouted some interesting theories on where Superman was. It ranged anywhere from him being on vacation to him having given up on the world. One that piqued Jaz's interest was an interview given outside one of the many closed down animal shelters in Metropolis's suburbs.

"I know for a fact that Superman is genuinely missing, know how I know? Because this is happening." He gestured to the boarded up windows and police tape across his business's front door, "Here, in Metropolis city we have strange metal reptiles stealing pets off porches and destroying hard working American businesses and where is Superman! Where is the Justice League? People are getting hurt!"

The image cut back to the anchor as she continued the story but Jaz wasn't paying attention to it. Hero had whined hearing the mans pleas and he genuinely looked... Concerned. He was too expressive for a dog. Jaz's thoughts were cut off as Brin climbed up the staircase. "Anything good on tonight?" He was wearing what she could only describe as his costume.

"Who are you supposed to be?" She asked jokingly.

"Ha ha, very funny." Brin sat down in the lounge chair of the couch. Jaz hadn't seen a super up close yet, at least not one in the full getup. The orange and black spandex moved and hugged his form perfectly and the giant wolfs head emblazoned on the front of it... It looked genuinely good in person. Nothing like the cheap spandex or materials used in cosplay's she'd seen at Comic-Con's. It looked well made with small delicate details, little metal emblems and leather accents that elevated the suit from cheesy to cool. "I'm from the future..." She nodded, pretending she didn't already know that, "But you already knew that..." The blood drained from Jaz's face. Her heart instinctively began to race.

"What are you talking about?" To her credit, she kept a calm demeanour and tone of voice.

"You do that really well."

"Do what?"

"Lie. If I didn't have this super hearing," He said, pointing a clawed finger to his ear, "I may have fallen for it." Jaz grit her teeth. Right, Timber Wolf had enhanced senses on top of his super strength and ability to shoot things with his claws.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "If you already overheard, why are you asking me all of a sudden?"

"I'd like there to be some honesty between us, Jaz." There was an edge that entered his voice that put her hairs on end. "No more lies, no more deflections. Who are you, who are you really?"

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