Chapter 5

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 You had gone about your day normally and even picked up a poster that you thought would both be funny but acceptable by your rather large friend. Music blasting in your ears you continued down the sidewalk mouthing the words to the song. Today was a good day because the body that you had dumped had been found any the police didn't suspect it was The Shape of haddonfield at all. Your feet slid down the slick hill that led to the entrance of The Shapes lair.

He hadn't seen you yet but could hear your slightly off tune singing. Michael thought about how his human was less than covert when making their way to where he lived. Shaking his head he got up from where he was sitting and walked to the entrance to listen to your singing get louder and louder. You had become far too comfortable around the killer. He wasn't fond of the fact that a fly had danced into his spiders web so easily. He would need to fix how relaxed his human had become. Michael needed to make you afraid of him. Deep down some part of him didn't want to hurt you, didn't want you to be scared of him. The serial killer didn't understand what that feeling was. He'd never second guessing harming someone before, so why now. He was ripped from his thoughts by a loud "Earth to Michael"

In the entryway was his human, (y/n). Their smile shone brightly as they had finally caught the attention of the large man in front of them. "You seem kinda in outer space today. You Okay?" You asked with a hint of worry in your voice. He gave no answer vocally or physically. All he did was stare. You were worrying more now, you knew he wasn't a spring chicken and wondered if he was having a stroke or something. "Okay come on now you're freaking me out" Still no answer.

(Y/n) flinched as the killer rushed forward and grabbed their neck. The grip wasn't tight enough to hurt. After a second you relaxed and giggled "Very funny big guy" You said thinking he was pulling a prank. Your heart dropped as his grip tightened. Had he snapped? Had the man you called friend finally decided you were useless to him? "Okay you're scaring me now" You said hoping to bring him back to his senses. His grip tightened again. For once you couldn't see his eyes behind his pale mask. He was hurting you, after everything you had done for him this is how he chose to treat you. At this point you were starting to have trouble breathing. Is this how it would end for (y/n)?

No No No

You weren't about to take this lying down. In a way you were more worried for him than before and that was topped by a cherry on top of anger. How dare the man you spent months feeding and taking care of try to scare the crap out of you or worse, hurt you. Looking up at the man you called friend your eyes hardened. No longer was there even an ounce of fear. That had been replaced by stone cold determination. Michael hadn't expected you to do anything other than cry or scream. He was astonished by what you did next.

Using all remaining strength you kicked the killer in the groin forcing him to leg go of your throat. You coughed a little and looked at the bent over man holding his private parts. "No cookies for you today." Your voice was stern. You were mad but you knew to hold your rather sharp tongue. To you it was obvious that something was going on with your friend. Your hand made its way to his back and rubbed circles comfortingly as he recovered from the kick.

It dawned on you that he had never had someone not be afraid of him. You gave the man a sad smile now understanding that your level of comfort around him was uncomfortable for him. Grabbing your bag that you had dropped during the killers attempt at scaring his human, you took out sandwiches and handed him one. He reluctantly took it. His brain couldn't wrap itself around your reactions. Any sane person would be scared and running away but here you were giving him the dinner you had prepared with a smile on your face. It made no sense. "I get it. You've been feared and alone all your life. But I'm here now and I'm not going to be afraid. It's okay to let me in and if I ever hurt you then I give you my full permission to slaughter me on the spot." You told him in a kind voice. He nodded, staring down at the food in his hands. Smiling, you turned the second chair around and ate your dinner so your friend could eat in peace as well. 

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