Chapter 11

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Author note: I love when you guys leave comments! I love seeing all of your thoughts and opinions! 

The day had finally arrived, and boy were you happy to have your dear friend at your place. He knew the route and had told you in his own way that he would head over around noon. The anxiety of his first time out in months was rising as the minutes ticked by. It was twelve thirty in the afternoon and you paced around the apartment. You had given him a key to the apartment a few days before. You had wanted to go with him, but he insisted that he go alone since you would be a risk. While pacing you switched back and forth from staring at the clock and the front door.

Michael took a deep breath as he looked at the entrance to the sewer. He wasn't overly confident of his skills at the moment. He knew he'd be fine, but it had been a while since he had gone out for so long. Finally, he left the sewer room, the sunlight hit his mask. A grin formed under the old, battered mask. He moved silently through the wooded path that he had planned out. For such a large man he could move as quietly as a mouse. The killer watched as people passed by without noticing him. It boosted his confidence and at that point he knew that he would be fine. Michael did have to stop in order to wait for an opening to cross a road. It wasn't too busy, but he also needed to move as seamlessly as possible.

By twelve forty he had reached the apartment. He looked up at the building. Two twenty-one was the number of his human's place. They had been right that the entrance faced away from the populated area and had a nice view of the woods. He pulled out the key and opened the door slowly. You jumped and hugged him without thinking. "Oh, you're okay! I was so worried" You said, hugging the mountain of a man. His hands were up, He didn't like hugs that weren't expected, it sent his instincts into defensive mode. He had to keep himself from instinctively hurting you. A moment later you realized what you were doing and let go with a sheepish smile. "I'm so sorry. I forgot." You said looking down a little worried about your friend. He patted your head and turned to the small hallway that held a door on either wall of it. One door had a sign with your name painted on it and the other was a plain white door.

He walked to the plain door and opened it. Inside was a simple bed, desk, and closet. It was reminding him of the mental hospital a little too much with the white walls and bare basics. "I know its boring, I have some stuff coming in to make it better." You let him know as you walked up behind him. He nodded in response.

It was at this point that you realized that he hadn't changed or showered in months. In short, he stunk like a skunk. You had bought him multiple colors of wife beater shirts and sweatpants. Walking over to the closet you couldn't help but tell him what you thought. "You stink and your clothes are nasty." You then shoved a (f/c) shirt and gray sweatpants at him. "The shower is that door at the end of the hall. There are towels in there and stuff." He took the clothes and silently walked away to the bathroom. They knew they had probably offended him, but you really couldn't stand the smell. The human would have to wash his clothes many times before the smell was completely out.

In the shower Michael had taken his mask off, it was the first time he had had a shower in close to a year. The warm water fell down his body and he sighed at the relief it gave him. Michael just stood there for a while letting the hot water hit his face. He scrubbed the dirt and grime off of him, finally feeling clean. He turned the shower off and stepped out feeling the colder air hit him, it was nice in a way. He even cleaned his mask up a little, just wanting to get the sewer smell off of it since he had to wear it on a daily basis. The man then put the mask back on and the clothes his human had given him. The fact that they bought him clothes and food warmed his stone cold heart a little. He didn't fully understand what that feeling was, that tingling in his chest when you did nice things for him.

He pushed the thoughts of what it could be out of his head and walked to you giving the very dirty clothes. He had never done laundry so he was hoping you would do it for him. He really had almost no skills besides killing and driving. Of course, you were more than happy to take care of the killers needs. You smiled brightly and blushed seeing him in the clothes you had bought him. "I'm so happy that you're living with me."

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