Chapter 7

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You sat in the silence of your own home. Outside of spending time with the Shape and work you spent most time in the small two bedroom apartment that sat about a twenty minute walk to the sewer hideout. The roommate that had been living in the second bedroom was on vacation somewhere and this left you with too much time with yourself. Thoughts that flew through your mind tended to become quite dark in nature.

Staring off into space these thoughts enveloped your very being. Subconsciously pulling the long sleeves of your shirt down further you feel trapped in your own body. It felt as if the thoughts had taken over and become sentient. You groaned clenching your fist trying to break free of the thoughts, you didn't want to slip up. Relapse wasn't something you wanted to do. Focusing your mind on reasons to not relapse a certain killer kept creeping into those thoughts. "Michael" you whispered to yourself. Slowly but surely the thoughts subsided and the guiding force in this was none other than the Haddonfield Shape.

Once out of the foggy forest that was intrusive thoughts and urges (y/n) decided that food was needed. The person picked out their favorite microwave meal and popped it into the microwave. They let out a deep sigh and wondered if they should head over to michaels.You thought 'Maybe being around him would help, maybe you could get him to hug you, maybe just maybe' "Nope" You cut yourself off. Your mind couldn't stop thinking of the large man that you had been caring for. It had been around four months since you first found him in that horrible state.

The beep of the microwave pulled you away from thoughts of him. Turning, you retrieved the food from the microwave and set it down trying to not burn yourself. After eating you had finally decided that it would be much better to go over to the sewer and so you packed water and snacks into the bag that you had affectionately named the feed bag. It didn't take you long to walk to your friends dwelling.

"I'm here so if you've got your mask off put it on now" Your voice echoed through the pipe as you walked through it. Even though it was a sewer it was still a breath of fresh air. Seeing your friend brightened your mood and put a goofy smile on your face. He nodded at you as a way to welcome you. The man could tell that something had been off with you. The look on his humans face just before they saw him was one he knew very well. In his time in the psychiatric hospital he had seen the face of internal pain and struggle too often. The killer wanted to ask you about it but didn't know how.

By this time your smile had faltered a little. You could tell that he knew something was up. "I'm okay just a bad mental health day since my roommate is out of town. I'm sure you know how loud the silence can be." You said trying to calm your friend. Setting down the bag you did something that may have crossed a line with the large stoic man. You hugged him and took a deep breath. His entire body went ridgid, not knowing how to react. After a moment you let go and apologized for the action. His response was to pat your head. The last pat was a little rough which told you to ask next time.

You ended up spending the night in the sewer just hanging out with Michael. For some reason that you couldn't pinpoint the dark thoughts disappeared around the man that could kill you in a heartbeat. You slept soundly that night in the presence of the infamous Shape of Haddonfield.

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