Chapter 25

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AN: Did someone order an extra-long gory chapter?

Warm light filtered in through the leaves and fell on the killer that was sitting on his knees. His breaths were steady and eerily calm. He stared at the ground blankly while the voices continued to swirl in his mind. Michael had no idea how long he had been sitting in the forest. He wasn't sure that he wanted to know. On top of the voices in his mind he also had the moment that caused all of this replaying over and over in his mind. He couldn't escape his own mind. The want to give in and allow The Shape to take over was looking more and more like the right option. Michael felt that he couldn't return to his human after today.

The man couldn't get over the look his human had given him. It cut deeper than any wound he had ever had. The thought of losing the small amount of security he had gained was devastating. He had only begun to learn how to once again be human. He had hurt Mel, a human that had gladly accepted Michael into his child's home and even accepted him as he was. There was no way that Mel would look at him the same.

With a final deep breath he gave in to the voices. The small amount of humanity and warmth in his heart faded in seconds as The Shape took over. He rose to his feet with two thunderous stomps. His infamous knife clutched tightly in his hand, he took off as silently as he could. Today there would be a massacre. The Shape was going to kill anyone they could find. He stalked deeper and deeper into the woods, each step took him farther away from his once safe home.

Night was falling fast and The Shape had caught on to a scent of sorts. He knew teens and college students would be the most rebellious against the current news that urged people to stay inside. He could smell the smoke and alcohol on the breeze of the warm night. Lately the temperature had warmed up with the summer months coming soon. The killer followed this trail until he could just barely see the humans sitting around a fire. Now it was a waiting game, The Shape didn't want any survivors to escape and potentially tell police that he is in fact back to killing. He waited for what seemed like an hour until a clearly tipsy couple stumbled into the woods.

The killer quietly made his way over to where the couple had gone. The female of the couple was a giggling mess as she struggled with her male partner's jeans. The man still had a beer in his hand as he watched her struggle. The Shape buried his knife in the back of the man's neck with such brutal strength that the tip pierced through the front of the neck. The man choked on his own blood, in the moment of shock he still held onto his drink. The woman was oblivious with her focus fully on the buttons and zipper. The serial killer dragged his knife out of the man's neck and watched in morbid curiosity. Finally the man had dropped his beer as blood streamed down his chest and on to his girlfriend. She looked up and let out a blood curdling scream. That scream was cut short as The Shape stabbed his knife into her open mouth. The two fell to the ground with a thump, the male had died but his girl lay gagging on her blood, her eyes wide with fear. His masked head tilted as he watched the life drain from her.

At the campfire a man replied to the scream "Get it!" thinking that it was a scream of pleasure. The majority of the remaining had laughed along thinking their friends were fine. A couple at the campfire were concerned. A woman named Kate looked at her partner Jane with a worried look. Kate hadn't really wanted to go with all the murder happening but was convinced by her girlfriend that it would be okay. "Kate, relax, I'm sure Lilly and Kevin are fine" Jane said to her partner. This did little to ease her nerves. Laken had noticed their interaction and decided to chime in. "How about this. I'll go check on them. It wouldn't be the first time I've walked in on them doing the deed." They said standing from the stump they had previously been sitting on. Laken's steps were uneasy but they had a smile on their face. "Perv!" Yelled David as he watched Laken walk in the same direction as the couple.

"Lilly! Kevin! Imma find you!" Laken called out with a laugh. It didn't take long for them to stumble onto the bodies of their friends. "Oh fuck" was all they managed to say before a knife was plunged into the top of their skull. Lakens body stood there for a moment before The Shape removed his knife causing their body to fall to the ground. And then there were four. David chugged another couple of beers waiting for his friend to come back. Mason looked over at his increasingly drunk friend with a worried glance. Mason had laughed off the scream Lilly let out even though he thought it sounded a little off. "David cool it with the beers. I'm not driving you to the ER tonight." Mason said, hoping his friend would stop. He tapped his foot anxiously watching the bushes intently.

Ten minutes had passed since Laken went to find their friends. David frowned looking at his watch. He liked Laken a lot and was hoping to ask them out sometime. His mind being that of an older teen went straight to the gutter. "God fucken damnit they're probs having a threesome....without me." The man stated with a slur to his words. He threw the can into the woods towards the spot where his friends' bodies lay. Unknowingly it landed at The Shapes feet. The grip on his knife increased, he couldn't reveal himself yet, there were too many variables. He looked at the can until a yell made his head snap towards the camp grounds. Kate had screamed at David to stay put as he stood up and started to walk the same path Laken did. Jane pulled Kate back down and Mason had joined the girls to try and calm Kate down. David ignored the girls cries and stumbled his way into the bushes calling Lakens name. His voice was cut short by the killer. He grabbed his neck with unchecked strength and nearly killed him on the spot. David's mouth opened and closed silently like a fish out of water, his eyes were wide and small blood vessels within them had started to break. He stared for a moment into the boy's bloodshot eyes before snapping his neck.

The sudden loss of their friends' voice was enough to scare the remaining three. Jane ran to turn on her truck's brightest headlights facing those bushes. Now they could see the killer standing in all of his glory. His mask shone brightly against the lights. Mason was the one to let out a fearful scream. Kate was frozen in fear for a moment before Jane yelled at them to run. The slasher was able to catch up to Mason with ease and drove his knife into the mans throat with ease. Arterial spray went flying as the adrenaline had made his heart pump faster and harder. His once clean coveralls were soaked with blood. The girls clung to each other's hand as they ran for their lives. It wasn't long before Jane stepped on a hole in the ground, her ankle made a sickening snapping noise. She covered her mouth to prevent their location from being found. Kate knelt down to her girlfriend trying to get her to stand. Jane pulled her close and gave her a final kiss. "Run and live. I can't run anymore but I can buy you time." Jane said, trying to keep herself together. Kate cried and repeated no through her sobs. "I love you Kate now go!" Jane said as she pushed Kate away. Kate ran and once she was out of sight Jane began to scream "I'M OVER HERE MOTHER FUCKER!" Her screams were cut short as the killer put the knife through the back of her skull.

By this point Kate was hiding, she didn't know her way around in the darkness. She wasn't sure she could make it to dawn but she knew that she would go down swinging if it came to that. Kate grabbed a smaller fallen branch and broke part off making a jagged sharp end. She stood behind a tree and as she heard him approach she held her breath. She tightened her grip on the branch ready to swing like a baseball player. She managed to hit him in the stomach and then stabbed it deep into his thigh. He grunted and quickly stabbed her between two ribs and into her heart. With the last bits of her strength she hissed out "That's for Jane" and flipped him off. He dropped her body to the cold ground. Without thinking, he ripped the branch from his leg and drove it into the ground besides the girls head. The Shape of Haddonfield walked off into the darkness without a sound as if the massacre behind him hadn't happened. 

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