Chapter 28

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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" A golden eyed male whispered as he paced in the woods "No fucking way they're going after that thing. Not while he's on some rampage." He continued to himself. He had to make a decision and fast, would he follow you or not. He wanted to keep you safe as you were his newest interest but, he also knew that might mean death and he sure as hell wasn't ready to die yet. He watched the old truck pull away. "Fuck fine. If I die I'm so haunting their ass." The Masked man continued as he took off in the direction of the truck.

"Mel, stop! I think we're close to him." You said as you kept your eyes on the landscape. You two were near the campgrounds at this point. Mel nodded and pulled his truck over into the tree line. They both hopped out of the vehicle. "Gotta be careful from this point onward. Cops will be all over the place with how many I saw earlier. Can't get caught." Mel said, his voice low. His whole demeanor had changed. This was remnants of his old life peaking through the cracks of his old frame. You smirked at the old man, this was going to be fun for him.

The Shape stalked through the woods, he could hear the distant sounds of police chattering. They had turned their sirens off in case the killer was still in the area. They couldn't risk scaring the perpetrator off, little did they know the killer was about to make them prey. Every minute he stalked closer to the line of officers who were also looking for him. It only wanted to satiate its never ending bloodlust. One little lamb in blue had wandered farther than the rest. He never even saw the monster of a man coming. Its knife plunged deep into the man's neck, the only thing to be heard was a low gurgle as he drowned in his own blood. One down, many to go It thought.

You followed Mel, he knew how to track better than you did. He was damn good at it and he also knew how to stay hidden while tracking. Skirting around the main campgrounds you both saw the mutilated lifeless bodies of teens and newly adults. Your heart sunk as you thought 'He really did go on a killing spree'. Blaming yourself, you slowed and looked to the ground. 'He wouldn't have done this if I hadn't snapped.' Your thoughts started to spiral and hot tears welled in your eyes. Mel turned to see your sad state. He silently made his way back to you and hugged you close. "No time for this. We need to find him." He said below a whisper into your ear so the police wouldn't be able to hear.

Sniffling silently, you nodded and pulled yourself together. Crying wouldn't help now, it wouldn't help him. Mel wiped your eyes and turned to continue on. You followed him silently, you had to get to your killer before he could do anymore damage. You had to bring him home. The woods were alive with chatter from the police, some were casually chatting while others talked about how horrific the murders were. When you heard an officer ask where Mark was you knew your killer was near. And he was about to be in a hell of a lot of trouble.

The Ghostface masked man followed silently at a distance. He didn't want to get too close to the humans that caught his attention and the police that filled the area. He couldn't risk getting caught when he just made his home here. His mind raced with scenarios trying to figure out a solution to each and which would be the most likely.

The limp body of the officer sunk to the ground. The Shape tilted its head at it as if curious about the body. It wasn't long before someone yelled out "Holy Shit!" and fired their gun in the direction of the killer. He easily evaded and slipped out of view. The officer who had spotted him tried to explain to the others, fear laced his words.

Your head turned to the direction of the gunshots. Without thinking you took off running in the same direction. Mel did his best to stop you but there was no changing your mind. Knowing better than to let anyone see your face you pulled a mask from your pocket and pulled it over your face. The forest flew by as your feet carried you faster than you thought they could. Adrenaline was surging through your veins. Their injuries were far from healed but they couldn't feel the pain. The only thought in their head was to save him. Little did they know a second masked killer was keeping pace.

Bullets flew past his head and body and he moved. It had to keep moving if it wanted to live to kill again. It managed to kill two other officers that wandered away from the safety of the pack. It decided it was time to leave the scene. As it disappeared from the area it was hit with a bullet once in the arm. It retreated and yet the bullets kept flying, they were aiming at nothing. Before it could react a human jumped in front of it. The masked human took a bullet to the chest for the beast. They stood up despite their new wound. "M...Michael I found you" they said in a familiar voice. The Shape was in control though.

It grabbed the human by the throat, raising them off the ground and walked further away. The bullets couldn't reach them. They grabbed at his arms pleading to be let go. The warmth that would glow in his eyes when he looked at you wasn't there. It was going to kill you, it wanted to feel your blood run over its hands. Your vision went blurry as its blade sent searing pain into your stomach. 

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