Chapter 29

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'This is bad' The golden eyed masked man thought. He couldn't just jump out of the shadows. He'd surely die if he did that. 'Come on big guy let them go.' He thought in vane. His blood ran cold as he saw the large monster stab the humans stomach. 'He's actually going to kill them!" He screamed internally. Thinking quickly he threw a knife right between the two peoples heads, it landed in a tree beside them. It wasn't much but enough to get him to drop the severely wounded human.

"Michael it's okay. It's okay now. I'm here. Lets go home...please." Your voice was soft as you looked up to the masked killer. Laying on the ground was your bleeding form, you refused to lose consciousness, not when you were so close. The sight of you exposed a crack in The Shapes facade. Michael peaked through that crack and his blood ran cold. He fought for control and won. He fell to his knees, his eyes locked on your form. Your hand reached out and took his. His sad cold eyes rose to meet yours. "It's okay now, I found you." A smile graced your lips as you spoke calmly.

"What had he done?" he thought. "Monster you're a monster" repeated in his mind. At the same time Mel and a dirty blonde male ran into the scene. Mel's heart drops but he can't act on that now. He has to save his kid. "Shit boy back up" the older man told Michael. He was angry but knew how to hide it. He knew something in Michael was darker than Michael actually was. Michael stood up and took a defensive stance against the stranger behind Mel. He wasn't going to let anymore pain come to his human.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mel said as he opened his kids backpack and rummaged through the medical gear. he soon pulled out what he would need to field dress their wounds. "My Boy here will rip your guts out and if he don't I will" he continued threatening the man. Danny had to act fast and keep up the facade he had created.

"I um I'm Danny a coworker of (Y/n). I Freelance and heard the tussle so ran over." He said quickly with a hint of fake anxiety and fear in his voice. "Holy shit you're really him...." He continued in disbelief looking at the looming killer. Michael took a menacing step towards Danny, ready to strike if Mel gave the go ahead. Danny had a messenger bag with him where he took out his notepad that he used when investigating stories. "See here's my notes and everything! I swear I'm not gonna do anything" he said frantically, a small amount of actual anxiety rising. His free hand glanced over the concealed buck knife in the bag.

"I don't get the dynamic here but I can get them to a safe place. It seems you know tall dark and scary" Danny said directed at Mel. Michael grunted at the saying. At this point you were slipping in and out of consciousness but you managed to see your coworker and friend. "D..Danny.. get out of h..." your words trailed off as you lost consciousness again. With a huff Mel made a decision. "Fine. Michael you're with me. Boy if you so much as lay one finger out of place on my kid I'll gut you alive like a fucken pig" Mel warned the golden eyed man. Danny would be lying if he said those words didn't excite his blood lust just a little. He nodded quickly and picked the wounded human up gently and with ease. "Stronger than you look" Mel said before departing with Michael. The killer couldn't help but steal glance back at you as the strange man carried you away.

Luckily for Danny he knew his way around these woods. One of the first things he'd done when arriving in haddonfield was to go hiking so he'd know the area and to his delight there was an abandoned cabin about three miles from the campgrounds. He wasn't sure as to why he'd saved you. Yes you were a new interest but he could always find another one. He thought about random things as he walked. He wasn't worried about being caught because if he was he'd make up a story as to how he'd found you and no one would question it....probably. As long as they didn't search his bag he'd be fine. When his little cabin was in sight he smiled to himself. It was a nice little hideaway from the world. Once inside he laid you on the rickety bed that stood in the far corner. Checking to make sure you were still out he then pried up a floor board with a box inside. Inside that box were nearly a hundred small Polaroid photos. He dug in his bag and took out four more from today. One of you packing the backpack, one of you and Mel in the truck, one of you being strangled by the Shape, and finally one of you on the cold ground bleeding out. A giddy smile was plastered on his face as he wrote the date on each of them. He'd have to remember to come back later to write a bit of info on the back of them. For now he'd have to wait seeing as you still needed to be cared for. Carefully Danny placed the box back in the floor and put the floorboard back as well. It was one of many hiding spots he had for his hundreds upon hundreds of photos. He cherished them dearly.

Danny sat in a chair staring at your body. What would be the best plan of action. Carry you to town and say he found you in the woods? Maybe. It wouldn't be suspicious with the recent slaughter at the campgrounds. Carefully he checked your wounds making sure to place Mel's bandaging back as it was. He smiles at the sight of the crimson blood adorning your body. Oh how he loved the sight of blood. But he couldn't revel too long. He wanted to keep playing with you as you were his most intriguing interest yet. 

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