Chapter 16

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Michael had heard your sobs but he didn't want to barge in when you showered. He was used to being injured, to him nasty bruises were normal. In truth he had worried that when you collapsed you had also died. What would he do then? Go back to eating rats and dogs? He really didn't want to do that. Luckily you hadn't died, just passed out so he carried you home and did his best to carefully wipe the blood from your unconscious face. Anger welled up in him once more as he remembers seeing you be beaten by the man from the diner. If he had the ability he would kill the man a second time and a third and fourth and maybe even a fifth.

He hadn't cleaned up the crime scenes since he had been so focused on getting you to not die. Michael was sure that someone would stumble across the horrific scene soon. The sewer would be swarmed with police. Knowing this was inevitable at this point he decided to make a trip or two to the old lair and take everything that would hint at someone living there. On his way he stopped at each murder scene to look at the bodies, not even a crumb of remorse ran through him. The killer knew that wasn't normal for humans but then again how human is he really?

He watched for a moment at the blood crawling down the tree trunk as it slowly congealed, oozing from the body pierced on the thick broken branch. Her eyes were open slightly, staring lifelessly at the ground. The womans skin had paled and it looked as if birds had already started to pick on her cold body. Good for them he thought, the birds deserve a good meal. He then smelled the first mans body before seeing it. In death the cocky man had shit his pants. It was almost enough to make the masked killer laugh. He remembered how high and mighty the man had seemed and the things he said under his breath while alone. Things like "Michael ain't shit. I can take him" and "Bitch is just a mamas boy". His body was crumpled at the base of the tree The Shape had thrown his body at.

Finally Michael was at the sewer. There was a lot of blood on the walls and floor. He swiftly put together all of the items that might give him away. After two trips to the apartment the only thing left in the sewer was the maimed body of Jack. In the struggle his face had been sliced more than once making him as ugly as he had been internally. Michael was glad that The Shape had murdered the man. Flashes of his human stabbing the man ran through his mind. Their actions were vicious and almost seemed like it hadn't been the first time they'd stabbed someone. Their knife had been completely coated in blood and Michael decided that it might be triggering to his human so he kept it as a way to memorialize their first known kill, much like how his choice of knife was to his first kill.

The sound of rats squeaking echoed, drawing the killers attention to the rats that had begun to eat the dead body. The ground under the body was a deep red and his face was still submerged in the shallow puddle. By the time his body is found the rats may make him nearly unrecognizable. Good for the rats he thought, just like the birds they deserve a good meal. Michael Myers took one last good look at the sewer not knowing when it would be safe to return again. He then returned to the apartment where you still lay unconscious. Not long after is when you woke up and tried to stand. 

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