An Unusual Feeling

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In the beautiful castle of the Vanity Palace, retainers, other knights and people of the Royal clothes were moving around a lot in the palace. A lot more movement and activity than outside the kingdom most would say. Reasons being was that the retainers and workers in the Palace were given explicit jobs by their rightful ruler, Lady Kamata Goko.

 Reasons being was that the retainers and workers in the Palace were given explicit jobs by their rightful ruler, Lady Kamata Goko

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Despite her appearance of how young and attractive she looks to most people, she is indeed very old. But only a select few know that secret. One of them being one of her dearest friends, Luna Gami.

 One of them being one of her dearest friends, Luna Gami

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A Lunar Bunny or a Bunny girl from the moon. And now the two were in the throne room, enjoying the peace and quiet they could have until one of the knights came in.

"Your highness, Commanders Hiko, Hetchi and Lio have arrived." The guard said while Kamata turned around to face the said knight and nodded to him.
"Thank you. You are dismissed for the day. Enjoy your free time and I'll see you tomorrow." She said. Kamata was always the caring type for her people, subjects, and knights as she wants them to be at their best. And for them to be at their best, she does whatever she can to help them whether it is giving them time off, or letting them have breaks.

"Kamata good yes?" The Lunar Bunny said to Kamata. Luna was never good at speaking or learning proper English so it was hard for people to understand her. But Kamata knew what she was trying to say and smiled at her while petting her soft head.
"Yes Luna, I am well. I just...have this strange feeling." This made Luna's ears perk up as she went closer to Kamata.

"Kamata sick?" She asked as she was thinking she was under the weather.
"No no. I'm feeling well and healthy, I'm talking about a different feeling. One where let's say you are having a good day right?
"And you walk past a couple of people fighting. You hear their conversation and you start to feel like it's gonna get worse from there. That's the type of feeling I'm having right now." Kamata explained to her friend while she was processing what Kamata told her.

"Lady Kamata see fight? Luna help?" Was all Luna got from what she said which of course made the Queen laugh softly and petted her head and ears again.
"You're already helping me Luna. But thank you." It was then the doors to the throne room opened and there were three people coming in. Hiko, Hetchi and Lio. And from the looks on their faces, mainly Hetchi's and Hiko's, they were mildly annoyed at the fact Lio, STILL had sweets stuffing her face, while the Kitsune was humming to herself while eating the cakes and pie she had in her mouth.

"Oh my, I see someone went to the bakery and had a good time." Kamata said while Lio nodded.
"Sorry we were late, your highness. A little someone wanted to make 3 pitstops to 3 different bakeries." Hetchi said as Lio chuckled nervously as she finished her cream cake.
"It is quite alright. Better late than never, right?" She said as the three nodded.

"So what did you call us for your majesty?" Hiko asked which made her smile go away slowly before she walked to the window of her room.
"I've had a vision...a terrible one that could mean the end of our world....or a new light of hope." She said.
"I'm...not sure what you mean My Lady." Hetchi said as she tilted her head and shuffled a bit.
"In my vision, I saw a man...with an evil aura in his mind and heart. He plunged the world into darkness. Our kingdoms, homes and families we worked so hard to make...will all cease to exist." She said before Luna spoke.
"Kamata can't sleep. Wakes up shouting."

"Do you know what this person in your dreams looks like?" Hiko asked her. Maybe if they had a description of the man in her dream, they could find someone similar to that description and stop him before it happens.
"The only thing I could see from him was that he wore a mask." She said as this wasn't a good enough description of what the person looked like.
"So what should we do Lady Kamata?" Lio asked as she finally finished her sweets and burped a bit.
"I want you three to go to the Dragon Kingdom in the North, Warn Queen Honebi of the upcoming danger." She said which made the three sigh as they knew this was gonna happen.
"Is that really Necessary Your highness? You know how demanding and cruel Queen Honebi can be. Especially with us." Lio said whining.
"I agree. Besides why do we need to really warn her of a vision?" Hiko asked.
"Well if you paid attention to reality Hiko, almost all of Lady Kamata's visions have happened in the past. So there is no doubt that this one will happen as well." Hetchi said.

"B-But... It's the Dragon Kingdom of the North. I hate that place." Hiko and Lio whined together while Hetchi gave off a sinister glare at them which made them stop their whining.
"We will do it Your highness." Hetchi said which made Kamata nod and smile softly.
"Thank you, you three. Once you return from the Dragon Kingdom, I will pay you three handsomely for doing this for me." She said, and the three nodded before leaving the Palace and getting ready to pack for the trip.


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