The Dragon Queen

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The Dragon Kingdom of the North, a well known location yet well feared for those who know about that Kingdom.

The Dragon Kingdom of the North, a well known location yet well feared for those who know about that Kingdom

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This wonderful and magnificent kingdom is being ruled by the Tyrannical Queen known as Honebi Mishima. Rumors around her kingdom has been going around that she and Lady Kamata know each other too well. And that they outlived each generation while still being young and ruling their own kingdoms. But of course over the years, Honebi has slowly begun to hate the Vanity Palace and its people and would leave her Kingdom just to wreak havoc around the said kingdom. Some would even ask why Kamata has not thought about waging war with her or why not attack back? The mysterious questions always have the unspoken answers.

In the Throne room of the Castle

It was quiet at first as the maids, butlers and knights alike worked inside the castle until screaming could be heard across the hallways and it wasn't a scream of terror. It was a scream of anger and frustration.
"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!" The loud voice soon belonged to the Queen herself, Honebi Mishima.

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!" The loud voice soon belonged to the Queen herself, Honebi Mishima

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"B-But your highness, they really need your help with their crisis." A scared knight said.
"I don't give Two giant Rat's asses about some fake sickness. It's none of my concern. They should've taken head to my warning when I said not to take food from outsiders." Honebi said, clearly annoyed at the fact she was listening to this.
"Then what shall we do Your Majesty? You surely don't mean to turn your back on them do you? They have helped your family from the time of their ancestors and yours." The knight had said which made Honebi calm down before she sat back down on her throne. It was then she had an idea of her own that could solve her issue with these people.

"Fine...if you really are concerned for their 'Well being' then I say.....Banish them." She said, which she then received multiple gasps and shocks from the people in her room.
"My really don't mean to do that." The knight said as he hoped this was a cruel joke.
"Does this look like I'm kidding? No, I want them out of my precious Kingdom. And if you feel so bad about them, you can go with them." She said before snapping her fingers. It was then her Dragon Guards came in and took the scared knight away and she sighed as soon as the doors closed.

"My Gods and Goddesses...This is the most stressful thing I could do as a Queen. First my morning was ruined, then I had to wear my mother's clothes since Yèrl didn't wash my clothes last night, and now I have this. How could this get any worse?" Honebi said to herself out loud while resting her head on her hand from the arm of the chair. Then One servant came to the throne room and bowed before Honebi.

"Your majesty, We have Knights from the Vanity Palace requesting to see you." He said which made Honebi growl and shout in agony.
"I'm sorry Milady?"
"Why are they here? What do they want?" She asked the knight in front of her.
"From the sound of it, they have a message from Queen Kamata to share with you." He said which made Honebi sigh and hum to herself before she nodded.
"Very well. Let them in. Let's see what they want to share with me."

The Hallways of the Castle

Lio, Hetchi and Hiko were all waiting in the hallway to see Honebi. Hiko was crossing his arms and thinking to himself, Hetchi was looking around the hallway seeing all the paintings and portraits of the Queen and her ancestors before her, and Lio was surprisingly stuffing her face with Dragon's Fruitcake.
"Mmmm~ This is so good!" Lio said while stuffing her mouth even more.
"Okay first off, don't talk with your mouth full. Second, stop eating just sweets. You're gonna get sick and when we need you most, you'll be too tired or sick to help." Hetchi said lecturing her Kitsune Friend.

"I said no! I'm gonna continue to stuff my face with sweets." She said, as she continued to eat her sweets. Soon the knight came to the three and nodded.
"Her majesty is waiting for you three." He said, and Hiko got off from leaning against the wall and they made it to the throne room.
"Your Majesty, Commanders Hiko, Hetchi and Lio of the Royal Guards." The knight said before letting the three walk past him and meeting the Queen.

"Oh great. It's you three. What do you want? And make it snappy before I snappy your neck off." She said making Lio and Hiko shiver slightly at her threat. Hetchi then stood in front of her friends and spoke.
"Queen Honebi, We've come from the Vanity Palace to bring you a message from Queen Kamata." This made the green haired dragon a little curious.
"And what would that message be about exactly?" It was Hiko's turn to speak.
"She speaks of a threat that will come and plunge the world into darkness. All we know is that this man wears a mask so we have no idea what he is or what he looks like under the mask." He said. To their surprise, Honebi had a sinister glare and smile as she didn't think someone like that existed. Mysterious and strong? Sounds like her kind of man. She then cleared her throat.

"Okay so what does that have to do with me?" She asked plainly.
"Our Queen wishes to make an alliance so we could join forces and stop this Masked menace." Lio said and Honebi sighed.
"Sorry I will have to decline that 'wonderful' offer." This made Hiko mad as he really hated how Honebi was acting.
"Your highness, you do realize if we don't join forces, we all are gonna die!" Hiko said then Honebi leaked out some killer intent as she leaned forward from her chair a bit. This was making the three of them find it hard to breath from the aura she was letting out.
"You better watch your tone boy. Be grateful I haven't taken your life yet." She said before a sudden knock on the door came and a knight of her was panicking.

"Your Majesty! We have Intruders marching to the throne room at this very moment-" the knight didn't have time to finish his sentence as a black energy sword pierced his stomach and slowly infected his body. Hiko, Hetchi and Lio screamed as they backed up away from the knight and saw the energy sword break through the door. Soon an explosion happened, making everyone cover their eyes from the debris and smoke. Honebi wasn't fazed by this but instead, turned on.

Then One person came out of the smoke and cleared his throat before speaking.
"Introducing....The King of Hoshio, the Savior of the World, and Strongest leader, The Masked Singer!" He said before more knights from the country known as Hoshio started marching before standing in attention and one other person was walking sending out waves of Aura that could make any one person not breath. Hetchi, Lio and Hiko saw the person walking and it fit the description of what Kamata saw in her vision.

"Well well...Hello handsome~" Honebi said which made her servants plus the Knights of the Royal Guard look at her like she was crazy. The smoke soon clears for good and more of his body is revealed.

 The smoke soon clears for good and more of his body is revealed

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This was the man known as the Masked Singer.


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