The Mysterious Mage

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At the Vanity Palace

All the citizens in the Vanity could hear a loud roar that sounded like a Dragon's roar. Some would look up at the sky and see a silhouette of a giant Dragon making it's way to the Vanity Palace.
"I-It's QUEEN HONEBI!" One shouted as they all began to panic and try to escape the kingdom; The little children, women, and men who wasn't a knight, all ran for their lives while the knights of the Vanity Palace did their best to help escort them while defending them from the incoming balls acid that came from Honebi when she spat them from her mouth.

Soon enough the Dragon landed in the middle of the Kingdom, killing thousand of poor innocent bystanders with her claws and her scaly dragon body. She continued to roar louder and louder making the knights cover their ears. Lady Kamata on the other hand was watching this destruction from her palace and couldn't bare to see more killing especially if the killing was from her friend. Kamata then knew what she had to do, she turned around and was about to leave her room with Luna following her.
"My lady, where are you going?" One of her retainers asked.
"I'm going to convince Honebi to calm down and leave." She simply said while she left the room. Luna skipped next to Kamata as the two went outside and seen a lot of people running past them.

"Humans scared of big meany monster." Luna said and Kamata nodded.
"Yes, but they won't have to be afraid anymore." Kamata said as she continued to walk to the city. And as she was making her way to the city, she could see Hiko, Lio, and Hetchi coming towards her.
"Lady Kamata!" Hiko shouted as he was the first to get off Hetchi.
"What happened? You were supposed to tell Queen Honebi of the danger to come." Kamata asked.
"We did seems that Danger came as we came as well." Lio said which didn't make sense for Luna; So Hetchi had to explain it.
"This person....he called himself the Masked Singer. And he seems to be a scholar and not your average bandit." Hetchi started.
"He was going on about taking Relics and because Honebi rejected his request, he play some death song and it seems to have corrupted her to attack!" Hiko continued.

"Masked Singer....Just like in that dream... Where is he now?" Kamata asked.
"We don't know. As soon as he was done playing his Song of Death, he up and vanished." Lio said.
"Then we'll worry about him later. For now, we need to evacuate the ones lagging behind." Th Queen said.
"But what about you Milady? Surely you don't hope to fight off Honebi." Lio said panicking a bit.
"But I must my friends. Go, I will buy you three as much time as you need." Kamata said before pointing to Luna.
"Luna will help you three out." This surprised the Bunny girl as she tilted her head.
"Kamata wants Luna to help Humans?"
"Yes my dear friend. Please help my people." Kamata said dearly and soon Luna nodded and saluted at her.
"Once we get the stragglers out and safe, we are coming back to help you." Hiko said.
"Deal. But only after you get all the people out of here." Kamata said and the knights plus Luna left Kamata to go face off Honebi who was tearing down buildings and making craters from her acid. She soon stopped as she saw Kamata walking to her and she growled firing acid at her. The acid did indeed hit her as Kamata didn't even bother to dodge it. But once the acid hit her, she seemed unfazed by it. Honebi growled and tried again and again but the results stayed the same. Kamata was unharmed when the acid came and touched her body. Kamata then looked up at Honebi to face her and the dragon leaned down to show her one eye looking at the small human from her point of view.

Kamata looked up and spoke softly but loudly so Honebi can hear her.
"Are you listening my dear friend? This is not you..... you're not a destroyer. You're a Queen who looks out for your people. You are better than this." Kamata said as she hoped that she would listen; but that didn't even faze the dragon as she growled and roared really loud breaking would say some people's ears. Kamata sighed seeing as her words were not reaching her yet again. But why would the Queen of the Vanity Palace be trying to reason with the enemy? That was something that was in the people and Soilders mind as they finished evacuating the citizens and was going to help Kamata.

"What is she doing?" One soldier asked as Hiko answered them.
"She's trying to reason with Honebi to stand down."
"Our Highness doesn't believe everything has to end in war or bloodshed." Hetchi said while the other knights felt like this was wrong and that they should fight. But then they began to hear soft music playing.
"Hey do you hear that?" Lio asked as her ears perked up. Hetchi nodded as she listened to the unknown music as well. Hiko heard it too but began to cover his ears.
"It's best we cover our ears. It could be that Masked Singer guy again." He said and Lio nodded following his lead. Hetchi sighed and smacked Hiko upside the head.
"Ow! What the hell!?"
"It's not the Death Song you idiot. This more calm and cool." Hetchi said.

Kamata and Honebi stared at each other before they took heard the unknown sound of music and Honebi started to feel drowsy and sleepy. Kamata tilted her head seeing that whatever this music is, it was effective against the Dragon in front of her. She looked around to find the one who was playing the music until she came across a Young Man walking towards her and Honebi.

 She looked around to find the one who was playing the music until she came across a Young Man walking towards her and Honebi

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Kamata found this man walking to the danger really interesting. And it seems he was holding a small old flute of some kind and was playing the music from it. Honebi could barely open her eyes as she sees the new guy playing the music. Soon she tried to focus her claws at him to strike but the Mysterious man simply stomped the ground and the Earth on his left side grew and made a wall, blocking Honebi's hand. Once it made contact with her hand, it molded and the Earth began to wrap around her arm and slowly up her body pinning her down while he continued to play the flute, making the Dragon Queen more drowsy, sleepy and tired. Too tired to even keep her dragon form up. Once she was human again, the man undid his earth magic and stopped playing the flute. Kamata then walked towards the man and Honebi while shocked and amazed at how he handled that situation.

"Lovely melody....and amazing magic ability...please tell me your name." Kamata said as she turned to face the man that she was strangely attracted to.


Don't worry Kitsunefire305 I haven't forgotten about this book. I will continue to update it. And for those who also read this, please give my friend here some love and comfort, she recently lost her father and her job because her boss is a bitch. So help her in anyway you can.

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