Cross-Sword Day

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Third Person POV

After explaining his past and what his home was like before the attack, Ryder could be seen trying to hold back his tears. Having to remember all of that while he was young was traumatizing and it made him want to get revenge on that man. Kamata, hearing this was saddened by his story and did something she thought would cheer him up. She took his head and pulled him towards her chest giving him somewhere he can cry on.
"I' sorry for your loss dear Ryder. I can't begin to express how deeply I'm sorry and how grateful you have came to Vanity Palace. Helping us strangers to help you with your goal." She said as she played with his hair as Ryder laid on her chest and hummed softly while letting a few tears out of his eyes.
"Just know this... Everyone in the Vanity Palace has your back... I will make sure that when we find this Masked Singer, he shall be punished for the murders he caused and pain he inflicted on you." She added before receiving a small nod from him.
"Thank you...Lady Kamata..."

Vanity Palace Knights Headquarters: Morning Time

It was another day in the Vanity Palace and with the knights waking up bright and early today, it was Cross-sword day. A day where the knights have to spar against each other in a series of one on one matches. This helps the knights home in their skills individually, see where there level is at and if they have what it takes to rank up in the ranks of the knights. Of course if you complete special challenges in your matches, you get to face Kazuhiko, Hetchi and/or Lio in a match just to see where your level is against them. The knights began to get their weapons out and face each other as they get ready to have a friendly yet testing spare with each other, while Hiko, Hetchi and Lio stood at the sidelines watching who was facing who and who won. But of course only two of the three were keeping track. Lio was stuffing her faces with the breakfast pastries to even pay attention to the matches.

Hiko began to yawned loudly and smack his lips a few times before rubbing his eyes which caught the Centaur's attention.
"Didn't get enough sleep huh?" She asked while crossing her arms.
"I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night. After my patrol of the city, I had the day planned out with the other Knights but then I was asked to take over one of their shifts." He explained to her.
"Something probably was going on that they needed someone to cover his shift." Hetchi assumed.
"Please. It wasn't even that important. He just wanted to spend more time with his girlfriend." Hiko said in a sour tone.

"Ooooh~ sounds like someone is jealous~" Lio said as she finished her 15th Pastry.
"It's not even like that. I don't care about him having a relationship. I'm just concerned he is more focused on his love life than his training." Hiko tried to explain but the girls looked at each other and had a smug look on their faces before facing Hiko.
"Nah, you're just jealous." They said together and Hiko grumbled. Right on time one of the knights that finished his sparing matches went to the three and saluted to them.

 Right on time one of the knights that finished his sparing matches went to the three and saluted to them

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"Commander Hiko. I've completed my spares for the day and successfully completed my said challenges. I wish to fight you one on one." The young knight said while giving a look of confidence yet nervousness at Hiko. Hiko simply stopped leaning against the fence and nodded.
"Very well. Let's get this on the road." He said.

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